

Name Location State Country Date Format Type Players
Torneio X-wing – 200pts Dogfight - 01/06 Kult Games Lisbon PT 19/06/01 2.0 Extended Other 6
Napcon 2019 Honeycomb Manila METRO MANILA PH 19/06/01 2.0 Extended Other 9
Game Vault Game Vault São Paulo BR 19/05/26 2.0 Extended Other 13
LigaCWB 2019-1: Torneio 4 FunBox Curitiba Paraná BR 19/05/26 2.0 Extended Casual Event 5
Taça BH Etapa 5 Clube Nerd Minas Gerais BR 19/05/26 2.0 Extended Casual Event 12
Wayland Games Wave Championships 2 Wayland Games, Hockley Essex GB 19/05/26 2.0 Extended Store Event 22
2ª Etapa liga VIP Aces - BG Inbox BoardGame In Box Paraná/Londrina BR 19/05/26 2.0 Extended Other 7
4ª Etapa Liga Brotherhood Mortalis 2019 Ludoteca BGC DF BR 19/05/26 2.0 Extended Casual Event 11
Game Time X-Wing Hyperspace Tournament Game Time Indiana US 19/05/25 2.0 Extended Store Event 13
Ipswich Hyperspace Trial 2019 19/05/25 2.0 Extended Hyperspace Trial 40
Cage aux Trolls Casual May 25th La Cage aux Trolls / Lévis Quebec CA 19/05/25 2.0 Extended Store Event 6
Atlanta System Open Atlanta Georgia US 19/05/25 2.0 Extended System Open 173
Game Table Cafe Wave 2 Championship The Game Table Cafe/Mechanicsburg PA US 19/05/19 2.0 Extended Store Event 11
Gnomicon Side Event Szczyrk Śląskie PL 19/05/19 2.0 Extended Store Event 10
Torneio Mensal CHQ - Maio/19 CHQ - Santo André SP BR 19/05/19 2.0 Extended Store Event 5
Dead Man's Switch 19/05/19 2.0 Extended Store Event 4
Campaign Against Cancer 2019: Victorville Linebreakers CA US 19/05/18 2.0 Extended Other 40
System Open Malmö Slagthusetmmx SE 19/05/18 2.0 Extended System Open 91
Campaign Against Cancer 2019 ABU Games Idaho US 19/05/18 2.0 Extended Store Event 15
Dubuque CAC After Lunch Pod 3 Comic World and Games Iowa US 19/05/18 2.0 Extended Casual Event 8
Dubuque CAC After Lunch Pod 2 Comic World and Games Iowa US 19/05/18 2.0 Extended Casual Event 8
Dubuque CAC After Lunch Pod 1 Comic World and Games Iowa US 19/05/18 2.0 Extended Casual Event 8
Dubuque CAC Before Lunch Pod 3 Comic World and Games Iowa US 19/05/18 2.0 Extended Casual Event 8
Dubuque CAC Before Lunch Pod 2 Comic World and Games Iowa US 19/05/18 2.0 Extended Casual Event 8
Dubuque CAC Before Lunch Pod 1 Comic World and Games Iow US 19/05/18 2.0 Extended Casual Event 9
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