Overview for Arietta Victa

Match ID P1 Name Points Player 1 Squad P2 Name Points Player 2 Squad Winner Log File
78867 Arietta Victa 63 Colossus Station Mechanic + Deadman's Switch
Colossus Station Mechanic + Deadman's Switch
Colossus Station Mechanic + Deadman's Switch
Colossus Station Mechanic + Deadman's Switch
Rose Tico + Automated Target Priority
Vi Moradi + Automated Target Priority
Merl Cobben
Moe718 129 Fenn Rau + Predator
Old Teroch + Predator
Bossk + Zam Wesell + Greedo + False Transponder Codes
Moe718 Download
75116 Brian 69 Gideon Hask + Predator
Ciena Ree
Soontir Fel + Predator
Turr Phennir
Arietta Victa 200 Nash Windrider + Disciplined
Black Squadron Scout + Disciplined
Black Squadron Scout + Disciplined
Black Squadron Scout + Disciplined
Valen Rudor + Disciplined
Baron of the Empire + Disciplined
Arietta Victa Download
75117 dr_dov 66 Hera Syndulla + Proton Rockets
Ahsoka Tano + Proton Rockets
Thane Kyrell + Servomotor S-foils
Norra Wexley + Expert Handling + Ion Cannon Turret + Thermal Detonators
Arietta Victa 78 Nash Windrider + Disciplined
Black Squadron Scout + Disciplined
Black Squadron Scout + Disciplined
Black Squadron Scout + Disciplined
Valen Rudor + Disciplined
Baron of the Empire + Disciplined
Arietta Victa Download
75126 Kyle Hutchinson 107 Lando Calrissian + Nien Nunb
Thane Kyrell + R4 Astromech + Servomotor S-foils
Luke Skywalker + Adv. Proton Torpedoes + R4 Astromech + Servomotor S-foils
Arietta Victa 200 Jake Farrell + Proton Rockets
Wedge Antilles
Ten Numb + Stabilized S-foils
Blue Squadron Escort + Servomotor S-foils
Blue Squadron Escort + Servomotor S-foils
Arietta Victa Download
75131 schdarr 50 Rose Tico
Jessika Pava + Integrated S-foils
Nimi Chireen + Integrated S-foils
Lieutenant Bastian + Integrated S-foils
Arietta Victa 172 Jake Farrell + Proton Rockets
Wedge Antilles
Ten Numb + Stabilized S-foils
Blue Squadron Escort + Servomotor S-foils
Blue Squadron Escort + Servomotor S-foils
Arietta Victa
78866 Arietta Victa 88 Colossus Station Mechanic + False Transponder Codes
Vi Moradi + Automated Target Priority
Rose Tico + Automated Target Priority
Colossus Station Mechanic + False Transponder Codes
Merl Cobben + Automated Target Priority
Colossus Station Mechanic + False Transponder Codes
Colossus Station Mechanic + False Transponder Codes
Alfred C Schnabel 83 Kylo Ren + Extreme Maneuvers
Major Vonreg + Daredevil + XX-23 S-Thread Tracers
Arietta Victa Download
75119 Drew Nix Arietta Victa
75122 Kaleb Harmon Arietta Victa
75147 Boom Owl Arietta Victa