Overview for Kengrory

Match ID P1 Name Points Player 1 Squad P2 Name Points Player 2 Squad Winner Log File
82297 Bandi 149 Sabine Wren + Proton Rockets
Arvel Crynyd + Predator + Proton Rockets
Shara Bey + Predator + Proton Rockets
Wedge Antilles + Proton Rockets
Jake Farrell + Proton Rockets
Kengrory 59 Rose Tico + Automated Target Priority + C-3PO
Zorii Bliss + Ion Cannon Turret + Watchful Astromech + Wartime Loadout + Proton Torpedoes
L’ulo L’ampar + Predator
Poe Dameron + R2-D2 + Integrated S-foils
Bandi Download
75028 Kengrory 106 Sunny Bounder
Bounty Hunter + Zam Wesell + Thermal Detonators
Bounty Hunter + Thermal Detonators
Gamut Key + Protectorate Gleb + Thermal Detonators
JBark 86 Torkil Mux + Protectorate Gleb + Moldy Crow
Bossk + Zam Wesell + Greedo + Contraband Cybernetics + Hull Upgrade
Fenn Rau + Predator
Kengrory Download
79133 Kengrory 138 “Broadside” + Ion Cannon Turret + Clone Captain Rex
Jedi Knight + Calibrated Laser Targeting
Jedi Knight + Calibrated Laser Targeting
Jedi Knight + Calibrated Laser Targeting
Jedi Knight + Calibrated Laser Targeting
angryalbatross 63 Lando Calrissian + Concussion Missiles + Nien Nunb
Ahsoka Tano + Extreme Maneuvers + Proton Rockets
Hera Syndulla + Proton Rockets
Kengrory Download
75033 NaKoaLani 101 Nash Windrider
Baron of the Empire + Disciplined
Baron of the Empire + Disciplined
Black Squadron Scout + Disciplined
Black Squadron Scout + Disciplined
Black Squadron Scout + Disciplined
Kengrory 46 Gamut Key + Protectorate Gleb + Thermal Detonators
Sunny Bounder
Bounty Hunter + Zam Wesell + Thermal Detonators
Bounty Hunter + Thermal Detonators
NaKoaLani Download
75037 PoultryBane 115 Commandant Goran + Ruthless
Black Squadron Scout + Disciplined + Thermal Detonators
Black Squadron Scout + Disciplined + Thermal Detonators
Black Squadron Scout + Disciplined + Thermal Detonators
Black Squadron Scout + Disciplined + Thermal Detonators
Kengrory 94 Nimi Chireen + Integrated S-foils
Rose Tico + C-3PO
Jessika Pava + Integrated S-foils
Merl Cobben + XX-23 S-Thread Tracers
Finn + Automated Target Priority + PZ-4CO
PoultryBane Download
75027 Kengrory Interceptor
75029 Kengrory JF Gaudreau
75042 Rinehart Kengrory
75048 Sycho Kengrory
75166 Tsukuda_Joe Kengrory