Overview for BazAvJoes

Match ID P1 Name Points Player 1 Squad P2 Name Points Player 2 Squad Winner Log File
49814 BazAvJoes 44 Baron of the Empire + Passive Sensors + Ion Missiles
Baron of the Empire + Passive Sensors + Ion Missiles
Baron of the Empire + Passive Sensors + Ion Missiles
Baron of the Empire + Passive Sensors + Ion Missiles
Baron of the Empire + Passive Sensors + Ion Missiles
Baron of the Empire + Passive Sensors + Ion Missiles
SirWolf 100 Fenn Rau + Outmaneuver + Proton Torpedoes
Guri + Outmaneuver + Advanced Sensors + Adv. Proton Torpedoes + Afterburners + Shield Upgrade + Virago
SirWolf Download
49807 BazAvJoes 41 Darth Vader + Brilliant Evasion + Passive Sensors
“Duchess” + Outmaneuver + Fifth Brother + Seismic Charges + Hull Upgrade
“Pure Sabacc” + Snap Shot + BT-1 + Seismic Charges + Targeting Computer
tomasz 163 Anakin Skywalker + Proton Torpedoes + R3 Astromech + Proton Bombs
Naboo Handmaiden + Passive Sensors + Proton Torpedoes
Padmé Amidala + Passive Sensors + Proton Torpedoes
49815 BazAvJoes 57 Baron of the Empire + Passive Sensors + Ion Missiles
Baron of the Empire + Passive Sensors + Ion Missiles
Baron of the Empire + Passive Sensors + Ion Missiles
Baron of the Empire + Passive Sensors + Ion Missiles
Baron of the Empire + Passive Sensors + Ion Missiles
Baron of the Empire + Passive Sensors + Ion Missiles
SpaceCakePorg 116 Boba Fett + Fearless + Maul + Conner Nets + Contraband Cybernetics + Slave I
Koshka Frost + 0-0-0 + Seismic Charges + Rigged Cargo Chute
SpaceCakePorg Download
49810 BazAvJoes 48 Major Vermeil + Agent Kallus + Darth Vader
“Vizier” + ISB Slicer
Scarif Base Pilot + ISB Slicer
Scarif Base Pilot + ISB Slicer
whiskeymancer 179 Seventh Sister + Passive Sensors + Mag-Pulse Warheads
Fifth Brother + Passive Sensors + Homing Missiles
Major Vermeil + Crack Shot
Ved Foslo + Crack Shot + Passive Sensors
whiskeymancer Download
49808 BazAvJoes 107 Darth Vader + Brilliant Evasion + Passive Sensors
“Duchess” + Outmaneuver + Fifth Brother + Seismic Charges + Targeting Computer
“Pure Sabacc” + Snap Shot + BT-1 + Seismic Charges + Targeting Computer
Piotr Z 132 Ten Numb
Braylen Stramm
Arvel Crynyd + Intimidation
Luke Skywalker + Servomotor S-foils
Piotr Z Download
49806 BazAvJoes ZaZ333
49809 BazAvJoes Holly
49811 BazAvJoes BoxerlessBossk
49812 BazAvJoes szent
49813 BazAvJoes Johan Bisenius