Overview for Des Darklighter

Match ID P1 Name Points Player 1 Squad P2 Name Points Player 2 Squad Winner Log File
49274 Des Darklighter 118 Captain Sear + TA-175
Trade Federation Drone + Grappling Struts
Trade Federation Drone + Grappling Struts
Trade Federation Drone + Grappling Struts
Trade Federation Drone + Grappling Struts
Trade Federation Drone
Trade Federation Drone
Trade Federation Drone
leoarthur 200 Rear Admiral Chiraneau + Moff Jerjerrod + Darth Vader + Proton Bombs + Hull Upgrade + Dauntless
“Whisper” + Juke + Passive Sensors + Fifth Brother + Stealth Device
leoarthur Download
49275 Des Darklighter 200 Rear Admiral Chiraneau + Lone Wolf + Darth Vader + Moff Jerjerrod + Proton Bombs + Shield Upgrade + Dauntless
“Whisper” + Juke + Passive Sensors + Fifth Brother + Stealth Device
Diemilkweed 100 Han Solo + Trick Shot + Bistan + Perceptive Copilot + Jyn Erso + Millennium Falcon
Hera Syndulla + Intimidation + “Zeb” Orrelios + Saw Gerrera + Shield Upgrade
Des Darklighter Download
49277 Des Darklighter 171 Epsilon Squadron Cadet
Epsilon Squadron Cadet
Epsilon Squadron Cadet
Epsilon Squadron Cadet
Epsilon Squadron Cadet
Epsilon Squadron Cadet
Epsilon Squadron Cadet
Epsilon Squadron Cadet
NaKoaLani 63 Fifth Brother + Sense + Homing Missiles
Planetary Sentinel + Proximity Mines
Planetary Sentinel + Proximity Mines
Planetary Sentinel + Proximity Mines
Planetary Sentinel + Seismic Charges
Des Darklighter Download
49278 Des Darklighter 200 Rear Admiral Chiraneau + Lone Wolf + Darth Vader + Moff Jerjerrod + Proximity Mines + Shield Upgrade + Dauntless
“Whisper” + Juke + Passive Sensors + Fifth Brother + Stealth Device
Cal Neuvost 116 Rey + Freelance Slicer + Rose Tico + Finn + Rey's Millennium Falcon
Nien Nunb + Heroic + Integrated S-foils + Pattern Analyzer
Zizi Tlo + Heroic + Advanced Optics
Des Darklighter Download
52007 flamebeast 200 General Grievous + Outmaneuver + Soulless One
Petranaki Arena Ace + Marksmanship + Gravitic Deflection
Petranaki Arena Ace + Marksmanship + Gravitic Deflection
Petranaki Arena Ace + Marksmanship + Gravitic Deflection
Petranaki Arena Ace + Marksmanship + Gravitic Deflection
Des Darklighter 136 Maarek Stele + Marksmanship + Fire-Control System
Tempest Squadron Pilot + Passive Sensors
Tempest Squadron Pilot + Passive Sensors
Tempest Squadron Pilot + Passive Sensors
Tempest Squadron Pilot + Passive Sensors
flamebeast Download
52119 Des Darklighter 141 Darth Vader + Fire-Control System
Seventh Sister
Baron of the Empire + Intimidation
Baron of the Empire
Baron of the Empire
Kaplan 142 Lando Calrissian + Nien Nunb
Luke Skywalker + Servomotor S-foils
Norra Wexley + Adv. Proton Torpedoes + R2 Astromech + Hull Upgrade
Kaplan Download
50883 Bluetricycle 164 Zealous Recruit
Zealous Recruit
Cartel Spacer + Tractor Beam
Cartel Spacer + Tractor Beam
Cartel Spacer + Ion Cannon
Cartel Spacer + Ion Cannon
Des Darklighter 124 Poe Dameron + Heroic + R4 Astromech + Integrated S-foils
Blue Squadron Rookie + BB Astromech + Integrated S-foils
Blue Squadron Rookie + BB Astromech + Integrated S-foils
Blue Squadron Rookie + BB Astromech + Integrated S-foils
Bluetricycle Download
49729 XanderW 88 Luminara Unduli + Calibrated Laser Targeting
Plo Koon + R4 Astromech + Calibrated Laser Targeting
Obi-Wan Kenobi + R4 Astromech + Calibrated Laser Targeting
Squad Seven Veteran + Intimidation + Hull Upgrade
Des Darklighter 73 Epsilon Squadron Cadet
Epsilon Squadron Cadet
Epsilon Squadron Cadet
Epsilon Squadron Cadet
Epsilon Squadron Cadet
Epsilon Squadron Cadet
Epsilon Squadron Cadet
Epsilon Squadron Cadet
XanderW Download
49276 Des Darklighter BittyBumbo
49279 Des Darklighter bluerook17
49280 Des Darklighter Wally_Shanks
49288 ddelautre Des Darklighter