

Name Location State Country Date Format Type Players
Console Fire July Warmaster Moscow RU 19/06/22 2.0 Extended Casual Event 11
June Monthly Tournament SteelFox Games Louisiana US 19/06/22 2.0 Extended Casual Event 11
Dagobah Swamp Scrum N/A CO US 19/06/22 2.0 Extended Casual Event 4
Bolivian Trial Championship Cochabamba 2019 Cochabamba Cochabamba BO 19/06/21 2.0 Extended National Championship 8
Bolivian Trial Championship Cochabamba 2019 Cochabamba Cochabamba BO 19/06/21 2.0 Extended National Championship 14
Tier 1 Card and Games Monthly Tournament Tier 1 Cards and Games Alaska US 19/06/20 2.0 Extended Store Event 8
Warboar is tha a YV-666 in your pocket... tournament Warboar games Bromley GB 19/06/20 2.0 Extended Casual Event 16
Warboar is tha a YV-666 in your pocket... tournament Warboar games Bromley GB 19/06/20 2.0 Extended Casual Event 0
Torneio X-Wing 2nd Edition - Versus Gamecenter Versus Gamecenter Lisbon PT 19/06/19 2.0 Extended Other 12
Road to Krakow Lion's Claw Piraeus GU 19/06/16 2.0 Extended Casual Event 6
Cage aux Trolls casual La Cage aux Trolls Quebec CA 19/06/15 2.0 Extended Store Event 10
Primeiro Torneio Liga Capixaba 2019 Vitoria Espirito Santo BR 19/06/15 2.0 Extended Casual Event 9
X-Wing Season 4 Attack Run Heroes Comics and Gaming Kentucky US 19/06/15 2.0 Extended Store Event 8
Bosco's Monday Night Tournament Bosco's Card and Comics Alaska US 19/06/10 2.0 Extended Store Event 10
Bologna System Open Bologna IT 19/06/09 2.0 Extended System Open 150
III Torneio Hobbylandia PT 19/06/09 2.0 Extended Store Event 10
Weekend Warlords Saturday June Tournament Weekend Warlords Loughborough GB 19/06/08 2.0 Extended Store Event 26
Casual X-Wing Tourney Akihabara JIGG Tokyo JP 19/06/08 2.0 Extended Casual Event 5
Torneio GFN 5ª Etapa Chez Paulo Minas Gerais BR 19/06/08 2.0 Extended Casual Event 15
Eclectic Games June Tournament Eclectic Games Reading GB 19/06/08 2.0 Extended Store Event 9
Torneio GFN Chez Paulo Etapa Junho Chez Paulo Minas Gerais BR 19/06/08 2.0 Extended Casual Event 0
Extended Tournament Kingman ARIZONA US 19/06/07 2.0 Extended Casual Event 6
Star Wars: X-Wing Grand Championship (UK Nationals) UK Games Expo Birmingham GB 19/06/01 2.0 Extended National Championship 195
DEFI ALPHA CONDOR 2 Imaginaire - Place Laurier Quebec CA 19/06/01 2.0 Extended Casual Event 67
Seattle System Open Seattle WA US 19/06/01 2.0 Extended System Open 136
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