

Name Location State Country Date Format Type Players
15 I TURNIEJ X-WINGA W SZOPIE Kraków Kraków PL 22/01/15 2.0 Extended Store Event 6
SHANGHAI MONTHLY TOURNAMENT 2022/01 Shang Shanghai CN 22/01/15 2.0 Extended Store Event 16
MNGG January Tournament Mister Nice Guy Games Pennsylvania US 22/01/09 2.0 Extended Store Event 10
P.O.E.M January TOURNAMENT P.O.E.M Sichuan CN 22/01/09 2.0 Extended Store Event 6
RSG Inaugural January Xwing Tournament Thing Red Seal Gaming New Jersey US 22/01/08 2.0 Extended Store Event 21
PGS January 2022 Tournament The Portland Game Store / Portland Oregon US 22/01/08 2.0 Extended Store Event 10
Steel City X-Wing, Sheffield Extended Tournament Crookes Social Club Sheffield GB 22/01/08 2.0 Extended Store Event 12
Tauntaun Series Episode 5 22/01/08 2.0 Extended Store Event 8
Squiggz Wing 01/22 Squiggz Memmingen Bavaria DE 22/01/08 2.0 Extended Store Event 6
TRIDENT FLIGHT NIGHT /KROLM (LIGA TAL S03T07) Krolm Pomorskie PL 22/01/05 2.0 Extended Store Event 5
GAMERSAURUS REX X-WING ATTACK RUN DEC 2021 Singapore Singapore SG 21/12/26 2.0 Extended Store Event 10
SGF X-WING STORE TOURNAMENT 2021/12 Shanghai Shanghai CN 21/12/25 2.0 Extended Store Event 15
Fully Loaded 21/12/22 2.0 Extended Store Event 33
GG Star Wars: X-Wing Extended December Tournament Gamers Guild Arizona US 21/12/19 2.0 Extended Store Event 8
Rules? You mean 'Guidelines'! Geek Retreat Leeds GB 21/12/19 2.0 Extended Store Event 4
SPB X-WING IN NOGAMES 19/12/21 NoGames Saint Petersburg RU 21/12/19 2.0 Extended Store Event 8
WMR MOSCOW XW 2021/12 ASTEROID SHOWER Warmaster, Moscow RU 21/12/18 2.0 Extended Store Event 10
OWL CENTRAL GAMES' XWING DECEMBER TOURNAMENT Owl Central Games Pennsylvania US 21/12/18 2.0 Extended Store Event 9
TC's Rockets Toy Drive 2021 San Diego California US 21/12/18 2.0 Extended Store Event 5
Alamo Squadron Casual Tournament Court of Gamers Texas US 21/12/18 2.0 Extended Store Event 7
Dark Side December Tournament 21/12/18 2.0 Extended Store Event 6
ASMODEE MONTHLY TOURNAMENT SHANGHAI 2021/12 Shanghai CN 21/12/18 2.0 Extended Store Event 21
TORNEO DICIEMBRE LA COMARCA las palmas de gran canaria Canarias ES 21/12/18 2.0 Extended Store Event 7
WMR MOSCOW XW 2021/12 Asteroid shower Михайловский пр-д, д.1, с.1, эт.4, комн.421 Moscow RU 21/12/18 2.0 Extended Store Event 10
X-Wing 12-15-21 Huzzah Hobbies Virginia US 21/12/15 2.0 Extended Store Event 10
New Tournament