

Name Location State Country Date Format Type Players
Flight of Icarus X-Wing Tournament II Icarus Bridge Club Attiki GR 19/12/08 2.0 Extended Casual Event 9
GK Sacramento Extended December GK / Sacramento CA US 19/12/07 2.0 Extended Store Event 8
Malmö/Lund Hyperspace Autumn 2019 Spelens Hus Malmö SE 19/12/07 2.0 Extended Hyperspace Trial 27
Singapore X-wing Grand Championship 2019 Gamersaurus Rex/ Marina Bay Sands Singapore SG 19/12/07 2.0 Extended National Championship 40
Gamescape December Extended Gamescape San Francisco CA US 19/12/07 2.0 Extended Store Event 4
Extended Tournament Kingman AZ US 19/12/05 2.0 Extended Casual Event 6
X-Wing turnir u Hydri VI Hydra Tabletop Gaming Club Serbia RS 19/12/01 2.0 Extended Store Event 16
#5 RISE OF PRIBLUDA Hobby Games Kaliningrad RU 19/12/01 2.0 Extended Store Event 8
Cage aux trolls casual La Cage Aux Trolls / Levis Quebec CA 19/11/30 2.0 Extended Store Event 12
Cage aux trolls casual La Cage Aux Trolls / Levis Quebec CA 19/11/30 2.0 Extended Store Event 0
WARM UP COMPETITION FOR GC @ GR (SINGAPORE) Gamersaurus Rex/ Upper Thomson Singapore SG 19/11/30 2.0 Extended Store Event 16
XI Turniej X-Wing w Szopie Szop Gracz Kraków PL 19/11/30 2.0 Extended Store Event 8
XI Turniej X-Wing w Szopie Shop Gracz Kraków PL 19/11/30 2.0 Extended Casual Event 8
BRAZILIAN GRAND CHAMPIONSHIP 2019 BR 19/11/30 2.0 Extended National Championship 109
Czech Grand Championship 2019 Black Oil Jihomoravský CZ 19/11/30 2.0 Extended National Championship 45
Czech Grand championship 2019 Black Oil Jihomoravský CZ 19/11/30 2.0 Extended National Championship 45
X-Wing turnering i Faraos Cigarer Faraos Cigarer DK 19/11/27 2.0 Extended Store Event 14
SINGAPORE BEGINNERS COMPETITION FOR GC @PI Infintium Paradigm/Midpoint Orchard Singapore SG 19/11/24 2.0 Extended Store Event 16
10ª Etapa Liga Brotherhood Mortalis Ludoteca BGC DF BR 19/11/24 2.0 Extended Casual Event 8
050squadron store championship Purperen draak Groningen NL 19/11/24 2.0 Extended Store Event 12
Tournoi X-wing Orléans Wargames - Novembre 2019 Saint Jean de Braye Centre, FR 19/11/24 2.0 Extended Store Event 21
Militant Casual Open: South Bay Championships Game Kastle Santa Clara California US 19/11/23 2.0 Extended Store Event 30
Dragon's Lair North Houston Monthly Nov 2019 Dragon's Lair North Houston TX US 19/11/23 2.0 Extended Casual Event 8
Walker Classic 2019 - Pod Format Hampton Inn & Suites / Littleton Colorado US 19/11/23 2.0 Extended Store Event 48
Soldurii Open Soldurii Vereinsheim Schleswig-Holstein DE 19/11/23 2.0 Extended Casual Event 24
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