

Name Location State Country Date Format Type Players
Rogue Outpost Weekly League Season Two Week Four 21/06/14 2.0 Extended Store Event 38
Boscos Monthly Tournament Boscos AK US 21/06/14 2.0 Extended Store Event 8
P.O.E.M JUNE XWING TOURNAMENT Chengdu Sichuan CN 21/06/14 2.0 Extended Store Event 8
Return to the Tables East Coast Gamers NJ US 21/06/12 2.0 Extended Store Event 27
Tournoi boutique au coin du jeu Lorient Bretagne FR 21/06/12 2.0 Extended Other 16
CLOUD CITY CUP 2021. RS 21/06/12 2.0 Extended Store Event 6
Extended Mando's Tournament Kingman Az US 21/06/12 2.0 Extended Casual Event 10
Gamenite monthly store tournament US 21/06/07 2.0 Extended Store Event 9
Rogue Outpost Weekly League Season Two Week Two 21/06/06 2.0 Extended Store Event 38
Torneo Junio La Comarca Games La Comarca Games Las Palmas ES 21/06/06 2.0 Extended Casual Event 8
BESPIN - GALAXIES 2021 QUALIFIER TTS AU 21/06/05 2.0 Extended Other 133
9th Äbbelwoi Aces Tournament TTS DE 21/06/04 2.0 Extended Other 6
WIECZORNY TURNIEJ X-WINGA W SZOPIE Szopgracz PL 21/06/02 2.0 Extended Casual Event 18
Firestorm games 21/05/30 2.0 Extended Store Event 12
A Escória da Galáxia 2.0 21/05/30 2.0 Extended Casual Event 48
First Swiss TTS Open TTS CH 21/05/29 2.0 Extended Other 7
Shanghai MONTHLY STORE TOURNAMENT 2021/05B SGF Shanghai CN 21/05/29 2.0 Extended Store Event 16
Rogue Outpost Weekly League Season Two Week One GB 21/05/24 2.0 Extended Store Event 38
ningbo-xwing-may-extended-tournament zhejiang CN 21/05/23 2.0 Extended Store Event 6
Smetch Rat Games - Store Championship, Longmont, CO Smetch Rat Games Colorado US 21/05/23 2.0 Extended Store Event 23 TTS FR 21/05/23 2.0 Extended Other 50
MCB - Tournoi de la fin du monde Nation Condor QC CA 21/05/22 2.0 Extended Other 30
WMR MOSCOW XW 2021/5 Warmaster Moscow RU 21/05/22 2.0 Extended Store Event 12
512 Corona Cup 4 512 TX US 21/05/19 2.0 Extended Casual Event 16
Team Jawa's Women of Star Wars Fundraiser Tournament Camarillo California US 21/05/17 2.0 Extended Other 60
New Tournament