Mini Legends X-wing Grand Tournament

Player Count: 24 Type: Store Event Format: 2.5 Standard

Country: FR

Rank Cut Name Score MoV SoS Squad
1 3 Florent 'Gundrek' Barbare Poe Dameron + Marksmanship + Heroic + Ferrosphere Paint + R4 Astromech + Overdrive Thruster + Integrated S-foils + Plasma Torpedoes
Ello Asty + Predator + Marksmanship + Integrated S-foils
Temmin Wexley + Heroic + Ferrosphere Paint + R6-D8 + Integrated S-foils
Shasa Zaro + Dorsal Turret + Concussion Bombs + Delayed Fuses + Wartime Loadout
Corus Kapellim + Dorsal Turret + Concussion Bombs + Wartime Loadout
2 8 Niarff Ahsoka Tano + Instinctive Aim + Concussion Missiles
wedgeantilles-battleoverendor + itsatrap-battleoverendor + Predator + r2a3-battleoverendor + Adv. Proton Torpedoes
Luke Skywalker + Instinctive Aim + Attack Speed + Proton Torpedoes + R2-D2
Tycho Celchu + Marksmanship + Heavy Laser Cannon + Proton Rockets
Sabine Wren
3 1 Malan'Tai Major Vonreg + Proud Tradition + Mag-Pulse Warheads + Shield Upgrade
“Midnight” + Predator + Crack Shot
Commander Malarus + Cluster Missiles
Lieutenant LeHuse + Proud Tradition + Pattern Analyzer + Special Forces Gunner
Kylo Ren + Brilliant Evasion + Malice + Predator + Pattern Analyzer + Enhanced Jamming Suite
4 8 SpiderMax wedgeantilles-battleoverendor + itsatrap-battleoverendor + Predator + r2a3-battleoverendor + Adv. Proton Torpedoes
Luke Skywalker + Instinctive Aim + Attack Speed + Proton Torpedoes + R2-D2
Ahsoka Tano + Instinctive Aim + Concussion Missiles + Vectored Cannons (RZ-1)
Corran Horn + Hopeful + Cluster Missiles + R3 Astromech + Servomotor S-foils
Sabine Wren
5 2 Cyril Coudray wedgeantilles-battleoverendor + itsatrap-battleoverendor + Predator + r2a3-battleoverendor + Adv. Proton Torpedoes
Luke Skywalker + Instinctive Aim + Attack Speed + Proton Torpedoes + R2-D2
Ahsoka Tano + Brilliant Evasion + Concussion Missiles
“Chopper” + Dorsal Turret + Saw Gerrera + Veteran Turret Gunner
6 8 LeChancelier Sun Fac + Marksmanship + Treacherous + Ensnare + Targeting Computer
Darth Maul + Hate + Plasma Torpedoes + Ion Bombs + Scimitar
Durge + Marksmanship + Proton Cannons + False Transponder Codes + Xanadu Blood
General Grievous + Outmaneuver + Impervium Plating + Soulless One
7 4 Dasu Eijo DT-798 + Marksmanship + Pattern Analyzer
Lieutenant LeHuse + Proud Tradition + Pattern Analyzer + Special Forces Gunner
Major Vonreg + Proud Tradition + Predator + Pattern Analyzer + Mag-Pulse Warheads
Commander Malarus + Cluster Missiles
Kylo Ren + Heightened Perception + Malice + Proud Tradition + Pattern Analyzer + Enhanced Jamming Suite
8 8 Ken-Shin Jarek Yeager + Concussion Missiles + Overtuned Modulators + Targeting Computer + Kaz's Fireball
Zorii Bliss + Targeting Synchronizer + Dorsal Turret + R4 Astromech + Wartime Loadout
Ello Asty + Heroic + Marksmanship + Integrated S-foils
L’ulo L’ampar + Heroic + Marksmanship + Advanced Optics
Nien Nunb + Heroic + Pattern Analyzer + BB Astromech + Integrated S-foils + Heavy Laser Cannon
9 Frederic Ricci Geonosian Prototype + Multi-Missile Pods + Kraken + Repulsorlift Stabilizers
Onderon Oppressor + Discord Missiles + Concussion Missiles + Jango Fett + DRK-1 Probe Droids + Repulsorlift Stabilizers
DBS-404 + Adv. Proton Torpedoes + Contingency Protocol + Strut-Lock Override
Sun Fac + Elusive + Ensnare + Targeting Computer
MagnaGuard Protector + Synced Laser Cannons + Discord Missiles + Independent Calculations
10 Leherly Zorii Bliss + Marksmanship + Wartime Loadout + Plasma Torpedoes
Nien Nunb + Heroic + R4 Astromech + Integrated S-foils + Proton Torpedoes
Ello Asty + Heroic + Integrated S-foils + Underslung Blaster Cannon
Rey + Heroic + Rose Tico + Finn + Hotshot Tail Blaster + Engine Upgrade + Rey's Millennium Falcon
11 Tserb29 Cad Bane + Marksmanship + Synced Laser Cannons + Xanadu Blood + General Grievous
Durge + Deadeye Shot + Synced Laser Cannons + Engine Upgrade
Volan Das + Lone Wolf + Cluster Missiles + False Transponder Codes
IG-101 + Synced Laser Cannons + Engine Upgrade + Independent Calculations
IG-102 + Synced Laser Cannons + Independent Calculations + Engine Upgrade
12 Choub Rear Admiral Chiraneau + Ruthless + Minister Tua + Darth Vader + Agile Gunner + Electronic Baffle + Dauntless
soontirfel-battleoverendor + apexpredator-battleoverendor + noescape-battleoverendor + blanksignature-battleoverendor + feedbackemitter-battleoverendor
“Vizier” + Emperor Palpatine
Tomax Bren + True Grit + Plasma Torpedoes + Ion Bombs
13 Djordje Stojsic Ello Asty + Predator + Marksmanship + Integrated S-foils
Karé Kun + Heroic + Heavy Laser Cannon + Jamming Beam + Integrated S-foils
Temmin Wexley + Heroic + Ferrosphere Paint + R6-D8 + Integrated S-foils
Venisa Doza + Marksmanship + Barrage Rockets + Integrated S-foils
Jessika Pava + M9-G8 + Integrated S-foils + Jamming Beam
14 Batfrankie “Chopper” + Saw Gerrera + Magva Yarro
Garven Dreis + Expert Handling + Veteran Tail Gunner
Ibtisam + Expert Handling + Veteran Tail Gunner + Tactical Scrambler
Shara Bey + Hopeful + Mag-Pulse Warheads + R3 Astromech
Sabine Wren
15 Kévin ''Nerro'' Le Franc Pre Vizsla + Notorious + Contraband Cybernetics + Beskar Reinforced Plating + Swivel Wing
DFS-081 + XX-23 S-Thread Tracers + Munitions Failsafe + Grappling Struts
DGS-286 + TA-175 + Repulsorlift Stabilizers
DIS-347 + Elusive
Haor Chall Prototype + Cluster Missiles + Grappling Struts
Haor Chall Prototype + Cluster Missiles + Grappling Struts
The Iron Assembler + Energy-Shell Charges + Munitions Failsafe + Grappling Struts
16 Chuck Yeags Serissu + Elusive + Trick Shot + Cluster Missiles
Arliz Hadrassian + Advanced Optics + Dorsal Turret + R4-B11
Leema Kai + Dorsal Turret + Plasma Torpedoes
Laetin A’shera + Elusive + Concussion Missiles
Captain Seevor + Marg Sabl Closure + XX-23 S-Thread Tracers + Precision Ion Engines
Cad Bane + Marksmanship + Proton Cannons + Contraband Cybernetics + Xanadu Blood + Proton Bombs
17 Skizaat darthvader-swz105 + Hate + Ion Missiles + Afterburners
Rexler Brath + Juke + Fire-Control System + Cluster Missiles
Tomax Bren + True Grit + Plasma Torpedoes + Ion Bombs
scythe6-battleoverendor + noescape-battleoverendor + Predator + ionmaneuveringjet-battleoverendor + targetingmatrix-battleoverendor
18 Dark Nono Black Squadron Ace
coloneljendon-battleoverendor + noescape-battleoverendor + pushthelimit-battleoverendor + Proton Cannons + computerassistedhandling-battleoverendor
soontirfel-battleoverendor + apexpredator-battleoverendor + noescape-battleoverendor + blanksignature-battleoverendor + feedbackemitter-battleoverendor
darthvader-swz105 + Hate + Ion Missiles + Afterburners
19 Christophe ''Longshot58'' FRANCOIS wedgeantilles-battleoverendor + itsatrap-battleoverendor + Predator + r2a3-battleoverendor + Adv. Proton Torpedoes
Corran Horn + Swarm Tactics + R3 Astromech + Servomotor S-foils
Thane Kyrell + Swarm Tactics + R4 Astromech + Servomotor S-foils
Kanan Jarrus + Heightened Perception + Dorsal Turret + Chewbacca + Saw Gerrera + Veteran Turret Gunner + Ghost
20 ScumAka Fenn Rau + Clan Training + Afterburners + Beskar Reinforced Plating
Koshka Frost + Fearless + 0-0-0 + Proton Bombs + Contraband Cybernetics + Marauder
Krassis Trelix + Fearless + Synced Laser Cannons + IG-88D + Proton Bombs + Delayed Fuses + Slave I
21 Xagramaelian “Deathfire” + Swift Approach + Conner Nets + Proton Bombs
Lieutenant Lorrir + Trick Shot + Electronic Baffle + Sensitive Controls
“Echo” + Marksmanship + Trick Shot + Fire-Control System + Targeting Computer
“Duchess” + Marksmanship + Proton Bombs + Delayed Fuses
22 Fabrizio Fenn Rau + Predator + Fearless + Mandalorian Optics + Beskar Reinforced Plating
Tor Phun + Shield Upgrade + Beskar Reinforced Plating
Arliz Hadrassian + Dorsal Turret + Cluster Missiles + R3 Astromech
Leema Kai + Cluster Missiles + R3 Astromech
Durge + Marksmanship + Cutthroat + Proton Cannons + Contraband Cybernetics
23 Danoliv “Vizier” + Emperor Palpatine
Captain Hark + Gar Saxon + Veteran Tail Gunner + Mandalorian Optics + Swivel Wing
24 Lionel Jourdan Joy Rekkoff + Cutthroat + Plasma Torpedoes
Nom Lumb + Swarm Tactics + Jamming Beam + False Transponder Codes
Bossk + Expert Handling + Marksmanship
Serissu + Swarm Tactics + Cutthroat + Plasma Torpedoes
Arliz Hadrassian + Ion Cannon Turret + Plasma Torpedoes
Leema Kai + Dorsal Turret + Plasma Torpedoes
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