Round Number: 4 Round Type: swiss Matches: 23
Player1 | Player1 Points | Player2 | Player2 Points | Result | Winner | |
Jim Frank | 117 | Steve Cutillo | 200 | win | Steve Cutillo | Edit |
Ryan Anderson | 125 | Steve Simske | 38 | win | Ryan Anderson | Edit |
Lee Lahti | 73 | Nick Aretakis | 64 | win | Lee Lahti | Edit |
kyle bourgault | 200 | Elliot Stafford | 49 | win | kyle bourgault | Edit |
Liam Lee | 127 | Jonathan Johnson | 163 | win | Jonathan Johnson | Edit |
Paul Fuller | 200 | Kieran Simske | 52 | win | Paul Fuller | Edit |
braden Beard | 200 | Steven Sior | 55 | win | braden Beard | Edit |
Logan Haas | 110 | Ken Cho | 200 | win | Ken Cho | Edit |
Autumn Broberg | 200 | Ian Probst | 102 | win | Autumn Broberg | Edit |
Stuart Stockton | 200 | Sam "Pancho" Vargas | 50 | win | Stuart Stockton | Edit |
Marcus Matthys | 200 | Mike Gasner | 130 | win | Marcus Matthys | Edit |
Brack Lee | 130 | Nick Zizka | 200 | win | Nick Zizka | Edit |
Thomas Haserodt Arnold | 200 | StephenProbst | 57 | win | Thomas Haserodt Arnold | Edit |
George Woodruff | 82 | Aaron Duree | 177 | win | Aaron Duree | Edit |
Stephanie Bartlett | 75 | Bendu the Black | 200 | win | Bendu the Black | Edit |
Tom Drobnick | 200 | Josh Bartlett | 78 | win | Tom Drobnick | Edit |
William Bonar | 61 | Luke Johnson | 200 | win | Luke Johnson | Edit |
Anthony Barragree | 20 | Joe Davenport | 200 | win | Joe Davenport | Edit |
Matthew Drumm | 69 | Liam Saunders | 200 | win | Liam Saunders | Edit |
Brian Espinoza | 105 | Tyler Duree | 130 | win | Tyler Duree | Edit |
Rob Beals | 200 | Leevi Nesbitt | 70 | win | Rob Beals | Edit |
Ken Johnson | 200 | Steven Sherry | 66 | win | Ken Johnson | Edit |
Wendy Scott | 75 | Levi Parsons | 124 | win | Levi Parsons | Edit |