(Nad)Morskie Manewry VII

Player Count: 15 Type: Store Event Format: Other

Country: PL

Rank Cut Name Score MoV SoS Squad
1 Jakub Sqell Wysocki Anakin Skywalker + Instinctive Aim + Proton Torpedoes + Skilled Bombardier + R4 Astromech + Concussion Bombs
Plo Koon + R4-P Astromech + Calibrated Laser Targeting
Ric Olié + Marg Sabl Closure + Composure + Collision Detector + R2-C4
“Odd Ball” + Plasma Torpedoes + Alpha-3B “Besh”
212th Battalion Pilot + Korkie Kryze
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3 Michael MJ Jango Fett + Lone Wolf + Count Dooku + Seismic Charges + Contraband Cybernetics + Slave I
General Grievous + Impervium Plating + Soulless One
Bombardment Drone + Proximity Mines
Bombardment Drone + Proximity Mines
DFS-311 + Energy-Shell Charges + Grappling Struts
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6 Jan Szkudlinski Poe Dameron + R4 Astromech + Integrated S-foils + Heavy Laser Cannon
Zorii Bliss + Dorsal Turret + R4 Astromech + Wartime Loadout + Plasma Torpedoes
Zizi Tlo + Proton Rockets + Advanced Optics
Finn + Heroic + Pattern Analyzer
Teza Nasz + Saturation Salvo + Barrage Rockets + Munitions Failsafe + Wartime Loadout
7 Lukasz Jagal Jagalski Corran Horn + Predator + Fire-Control System + R3 Astromech
Wedge Antilles + Composure + Predator + Plasma Torpedoes + Servomotor S-foils
Hera Syndulla + Hopeful + Fire-Control System + Dorsal Turret + Magva Yarro + The Child + Veteran Turret Gunner
Arvel Crynyd + Intimidation
8 Jacek Kowalczyk Juno Eclipse + Fire-Control System + Proton Rockets + Munitions Failsafe
“Duchess” + Marksmanship + Shield Upgrade
“Echo” + Juke + Predator
Major Vermeil + Elusive + Emperor Palpatine
Lieutenant Karsabi + Advanced SLAM + Xg-1 Assault Configuration + Ion Cannon
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11 Mateusz Sendrowicz Darth Vader + Malice + Brilliant Evasion + Squad Leader + Fire-Control System
Juno Eclipse + Fire-Control System + Mag-Pulse Warheads
Maarek Stele + Predator + Debris Gambit + Fire-Control System
“Deathfire” + Skilled Bombardier + Proton Bombs
Tomax Bren + Ion Bombs
12 Mateusz Nacked Litwinski Ten Numb + Proton Cannons + Stabilized S-foils
Corran Horn + Cluster Missiles + R3 Astromech + Servomotor S-foils
K-2SO + “Chopper” + Chewbacca + Pivot Wing
Norra Wexley + Elusive + Dorsal Turret + Adv. Proton Torpedoes + Ezra Bridger
Derek Klivian + Marksmanship + Concussion Missiles
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14 Piotr Derengowski IG-88B + Deadeye Shot + Advanced Sensors + Autoblasters + IG-2000
IG-88D + Deadeye Shot + Advanced Sensors + Autoblasters + IG-2000
Mining Guild Surveyor
Ketsu Onyo + Fearless + Qi'ra + Contraband Cybernetics + Mandalorian Optics + Shadow Caster
15 Maks Dikti Wedge Antilles + Predator + Composure + Plasma Torpedoes + Servomotor S-foils
Corran Horn + Predator + Fire-Control System + R3 Astromech
“Dutch” Vander + Ion Cannon Turret + Adv. Proton Torpedoes + Targeting Astromech
Derek Klivian + Predator + Cluster Missiles
Ezra Bridger + Brilliant Evasion + Leia Organa + Targeting Computer
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