Six Feet Under Games February 2024 X-wing Tournament

Player Count: 9 Type: Casual Event Format: 2.5 Standard

Location: Millersville State: PA Country: US

Rank Cut Name Score MoV SoS Squad
1 ted_t 9 56 1.333333333333333 coloneljendon-battleoverendor
Tomax Bren
Grand Inquisitor + Shattering Shot + Brilliant Evasion + Trick Shot
2 j_tonks 6 52 2.0 Luke Skywalker
Wedge Antilles + Vectored Cannons (RZ-1) + Crack Shot + Marksmanship
Keo Venzee + Vectored Cannons (RZ-1) + Juke
Sabine Wren + Vectored Cannons (RZ-1) + Beskar Reinforced Plating + Mandalorian Optics + Clan Training
“Chopper” + Saw Gerrera + Magva Yarro
3 alex_w 6 39 1.666666666666666 Edit
4 rfrankum 6 53 1.5 Edit
5 tim_opin 6 45 1.0 Seftin Vanik + Ferrosphere Paint + Mag-Pulse Warheads + Heroic + Predator
Ello Asty + Plasma Torpedoes + Integrated S-foils + Ferrosphere Paint
Nien Nunb + Proton Torpedoes + Integrated S-foils + Ferrosphere Paint + Marksmanship
Lando Calrissian + Rey's Millennium Falcon + Contraband Cybernetics + Rey + C-3PO
6 bshoward 3 42 2.0 Edit
7 darkreed 3 26 2.0 darthvader-swz105
Maarek Stele + Crack Shot + Fire-Control System + Mag-Pulse Warheads
“Mauler” Mithel
8 jfrankum 3 31 1.666666666666666 Ezra Bridger + Swivel Wing + Heightened Perception + The Child + Novice Technician + Nightbrother
Leia Organa + Compassion + Perceptive Copilot + Jyn Erso + Bistan + Millennium Falcon
Kanan Jarrus + Heightened Perception + Dorsal Turret + Saw Gerrera + Magva Yarro + Agile Gunner
9 ted_wade 3 45 1.5 Rear Admiral Chiraneau + Darth Vader + 0-0-0 + Veteran Turret Gunner + Dauntless
Tomax Bren
Major Rhymer + Feedback Ping + Cluster Missiles + BT-1
Captain Jonus + Saturation Salvo + Barrage Rockets + Bomblet Generator
Round Number Round Type Matches
1 Swiss 5 Edit
2 Swiss 5 Edit
3 Swiss 5 Edit
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