Berlin Open 2023

Player Count: 34 Type: Store Event Format: 2.5 Standard

Location: Berlin Country: DE

Rank Cut Name Score MoV SoS Squad
1 1 Han248 12 0 2.25 Lando Calrissian + C-3PO + Rey + Contraband Cybernetics + Rey's Millennium Falcon
Ello Asty + Marksmanship + Heroic + Munitions Failsafe + Integrated S-foils + Mag-Pulse Warheads
Lega Fossang + Diamond-Boron Missiles + Wartime Loadout
Shasa Zaro + Dorsal Turret + Wartime Loadout + Plasma Torpedoes
Corus Kapellim + Dorsal Turret + Wartime Loadout + Cluster Missiles
2 4 Piter 12 0 1.69 Han Solo + Trick Shot + Perceptive Copilot + Bistan + Millennium Falcon
fennrau-fangfighter + Clan Training + Predator + Mandalorian Optics + Beskar Reinforced Plating
Luke Skywalker + Attack Speed + Instinctive Aim + Proton Torpedoes + R2-D2
Sabine Wren + Clan Training + Beskar Reinforced Plating + Mandalorian Optics + Vectored Cannons (RZ-1)
3 3 Hubczas 10 0 1.25 Corus Kapellim + Dorsal Turret + Wartime Loadout + Cluster Missiles
Zorii Bliss + Swarm Tactics + Wartime Loadout + Cluster Missiles
Ello Asty + Predator + BB-8 + Integrated S-foils
Jessika Pava + R2-D2 + Integrated S-foils + Jamming Beam
Nien Nunb + Predator + Pattern Analyzer + R5-X3 + Spare Parts Canisters + Integrated S-foils
4 2 Luke732 9 0 2.0 Anakin Skywalker + Malice + Ancillary Ion Weapons + R2-D2
“Odd Ball” + Selfless + Veteran Tail Gunner + R4-P Astromech
“Jag” + Veteran Tail Gunner + R4-P Astromech + Synchronized Console
“Wolffe” + Wolfpack + Veteran Tail Gunner + Q7 Astromech
Padmé Amidala + Juke + Passive Sensors + Plasma Torpedoes + Q7 Astromech
5 Taloncor 9 0 1.69 Dengar + Lone Wolf + Agile Gunner + Contraband Cybernetics + Punishing One + R5-P8
Fenn Rau + Fearless + Beskar Reinforced Plating + Burnout Thrusters
Bossk + Marksmanship + Deadman's Switch
Laetin A’shera + Elusive + Heavy Laser Cannon
Quinn Jast + Elusive + Proton Rockets
6 Immatar 9 0 1.69 Han Solo + Trick Shot + Perceptive Copilot + Bistan + Millennium Falcon
Luke Skywalker + Attack Speed + Instinctive Aim + Proton Torpedoes + R2-D2
Corran Horn + Marksmanship + Concussion Missiles + R3 Astromech + Servomotor S-foils
Jake Farrell + Marksmanship + Elusive + Cluster Missiles + Electronic Baffle
7 Baron Lutschbär 9 0 1.56 Ello Asty + Integrated S-foils + Heroic + Marksmanship + M9-G8
C’ai Threnalli + Integrated S-foils + Heroic + Pattern Analyzer
Temmin Wexley + Integrated S-foils + Proton Rockets + Marksmanship
Venisa Doza + Integrated S-foils + Marksmanship + Barrage Rockets
Nimi Chireen + Integrated S-foils + Pattern Analyzer + R6-D8
8 Resonanzo 9 0 1.5 Fenn Rau + Beskar Reinforced Plating + Mandalorian Optics + Marksmanship + Predator
Bodica Venj + Beskar Reinforced Plating + Mandalorian Optics + Predator
Hera Syndulla + Marksmanship + Mag-Pulse Warheads
Saw Gerrera + Pivot Wing + Contraband Cybernetics + Notorious + Magva Yarro + Tactical Officer
Sabine Wren + Lone Wolf
9 Mighty 9 0 1.31 Commander Malarus + Cluster Missiles
Lieutenant LeHuse + Proud Tradition + Pattern Analyzer + Special Forces Gunner
“Midnight” + Squad Leader + Biohexacrypt Codes
Kylo Ren + Instinctive Aim + Brilliant Evasion + Concussion Missiles + Advanced Optics + Enhanced Jamming Suite
Major Vonreg + Marksmanship + Lone Wolf + Deuterium Power Cells + Mag-Pulse Warheads
10 Khain90 9 0 1.13 Han Solo + Trick Shot + Cluster Missiles + The Mandalorian + The Child + Veteran Turret Gunner + Lando's Millennium Falcon
Dace Bonearm + Marg Sabl Closure + Protectorate Gleb + Concussion Bombs + Delayed Fuses + Moldy Crow
Durge + Cutthroat + Marksmanship + Proton Cannons + Overtuned Modulators
Arliz Hadrassian + Dorsal Turret + Cluster Missiles + Ion Bombs
Leema Kai + Mag-Pulse Warheads + Concussion Bombs
11 Karghan 7 0 1.56 Rear Admiral Chiraneau + The Child + Emperor Palpatine + Agile Gunner + Dauntless
Darth Vader + Marksmanship + Hate + Afterburners
Maarek Stele + Deadeye Shot + Marksmanship + Fire-Control System + Cluster Missiles + Munitions Failsafe
Tomax Bren + Saturation Salvo + Barrage Rockets + Bomblet Generator
12 Jannis Fritsch 6 0 2.06 Poe Dameron + Marksmanship + Trick Shot + C-3PO + Rey + Engine Upgrade + Rey's Millennium Falcon
L’ulo L’ampar + Marksmanship + Heroic + Shield Upgrade
Ello Asty + Heroic + Marksmanship + M9-G8 + Integrated S-foils
Shasa Zaro + Dorsal Turret + L4E-R5 + Engine Upgrade + Targeting Computer
BB-8 + Larma D'Acy
13 Tie-Fuller 6 0 1.88 “Quickdraw” + Special Forces Gunner + Fire-Control System + Deuterium Power Cells + Proud Tradition + Fanatical
Commander Malarus + Cluster Missiles
“Midnight” + Swarm Tactics + Fanatical
Kylo Ren + Advanced Optics + Concussion Missiles + Enhanced Jamming Suite + Instinctive Aim + Proud Tradition
“Ember” + Lone Wolf + Elusive
14 Bobby802 6 0 1.69 Luke Skywalker + Attack Speed + Instinctive Aim + Proton Torpedoes + R2-D2
Kanan Jarrus + The Child + Ursa Wren + Veteran Turret Gunner + Dorsal Turret + Fire-Control System
Sabine Wren + Beskar Reinforced Plating
“Chopper” + Saw Gerrera + Veteran Turret Gunner + Dorsal Turret
15 Laminidas 6 0 1.69 L’ulo L’ampar + Heroic + Marksmanship + Shield Upgrade
Ello Asty + Heroic + Marksmanship + M9-G8 + Integrated S-foils
Temmin Wexley + Heroic + Pattern Analyzer + Integrated S-foils + Underslung Blaster Cannon
Lega Fossang + Dorsal Turret + Seismic Charges + Wartime Loadout
Shasa Zaro + Dorsal Turret + Watchful Astromech + Seismic Charges + Wartime Loadout
BB-8 + Automated Target Priority + Han Solo
16 DeathWalkingTerror 6 0 1.5 Han Solo + Millennium Falcon + K-2SO + Lando Calrissian + Ezra Bridger + Contraband Cybernetics
Tycho Celchu + Predator + Hopeful + Concussion Missiles + Heavy Laser Cannon
Wedge Antilles + Predator + Marksmanship
Keo Venzee + Proton Rockets
Arvel Crynyd + Predator + Marksmanship
17 Bob-47 6 0 1.44 “Quickdraw” + Fanatical + Proud Tradition + Pattern Analyzer + Special Forces Gunner + Fire-Control System
Kylo Ren + Instinctive Aim + Fanatical + Concussion Missiles + Advanced Optics + Enhanced Jamming Suite
Lieutenant LeHuse + Proud Tradition + Pattern Analyzer + Special Forces Gunner
Commander Malarus + Mag-Pulse Warheads
Lin Gaava + Fanatical + Ion Limiter Override + Pattern Analyzer
18 Torsten 'Toto75' Behrens 6 0 1.38 Darth Vader + Marksmanship + Hate + Afterburners
“Mauler” Mithel + Predator + Afterburners
“Backstabber” + Crack Shot + Disciplined + Afterburners
Tomax Bren + Saturation Salvo + Barrage Rockets + Bomblet Generator
Captain Jonus + Saturation Salvo + Barrage Rockets + Bomblet Generator
19 ElWray 6 0 1.31 “Hawk” + Saturation Salvo + Barrage Rockets + Agile Gunner + Clone Commander Cody + Aayla Secura
“Slider” + Dedicated
“Odd Ball” + Selfless + Veteran Tail Gunner + R4-P Astromech
“Wolffe” + Wolfpack + Veteran Tail Gunner + Q7 Astromech
Padmé Amidala + Marksmanship + Proton Torpedoes + Passive Sensors
20 Vutha Gix 6 0 1.13 Durge + Marksmanship + Proton Cannons + Xanadu Blood + Proton Bombs
Cad Bane + Notorious + Proton Cannons + Deadman's Switch
General Grievous + Marksmanship + Impervium Plating + Shield Upgrade + Soulless One
DBS-404 + Adv. Proton Torpedoes + Contingency Protocol + Strut-Lock Override
DFS-081 + Energy-Shell Charges + Munitions Failsafe + Grappling Struts
The Iron Assembler + Energy-Shell Charges + Munitions Failsafe + Grappling Struts
21 meeouw 6 0 1.0 Edit
22 Dystopian 5 0 1.25 “Odd Ball” + Selfless + Veteran Tail Gunner + R4-P Astromech
“Wolffe” + Wolfpack + Veteran Tail Gunner + Q7 Astromech
Ric Olié + Juke + R3 Astromech + Fire-Control System
Padmé Amidala + Juke + Plasma Torpedoes + Fire-Control System + R3 Astromech
Anakin Skywalker + Malice + Ancillary Ion Weapons + R2-D2
23 Emanuel Creed008 Lippold 4 0 1.94 Darth Vader + Malice + Heavy Laser Cannon
Soontir Fel + Ruthless + Marksmanship + Shield Upgrade
Tomax Bren + Saturation Salvo + Barrage Rockets + Bomblet Generator
Major Rhymer + Saturation Salvo + Barrage Rockets + Seismic Charges + Delayed Fuses
24 Benjamin Lengacker 4 0 0.94 Fenn Rau + Predator + Fearless + Mandalorian Optics + Beskar Reinforced Plating
Doctor Aphra + Jamming Beam + Lando Calrissian + 0-0-0 + BT-1 + Contraband Cybernetics + Babu Frik + Electronic Baffle + Hound's Tooth
Dengar + Expert Handling + Jamming Beam + Agile Gunner + Contraband Cybernetics + Punishing One + R5-P8
Bossk + Marksmanship + Expert Handling
25 jonas 3 0 1.75 Rear Admiral Chiraneau + Ruthless + Death Troopers + Darth Vader + Agile Gunner + Electronic Baffle + Dauntless
Tomax Bren + Saturation Salvo + Barrage Rockets + Bomblet Generator
Major Rhymer + Proton Rockets + Ion Bombs
Captain Jonus + Saturation Salvo + Barrage Rockets + Bomblet Generator
“Deathfire” + Cluster Missiles + Skilled Bombardier + Conner Nets
26 TrevorColby 3 0 1.69 Luke Skywalker + Attack Speed + Instinctive Aim + Proton Torpedoes + R2-D2
Thane Kyrell + Proton Rockets + Servomotor S-foils
Ahsoka Tano + Brilliant Evasion + Patience + Juke
Tycho Celchu + Lone Wolf + Starbird Slash + Heavy Laser Cannon + Concussion Missiles
Sabine Wren + Beskar Reinforced Plating
27 white templer 3 0 1.56 darthvader-swz105 + Hate + Ion Missiles + Afterburners
Lieutenant Lorrir + Enduring + Targeting Computer + Sensitive Controls
Rear Admiral Chiraneau + Emperor Palpatine + Novice Technician + Agile Gunner + Proton Bombs + Dauntless
Juno Eclipse + Marksmanship + Passive Sensors + Electronic Baffle
28 Berlin Topgun 3 0 1.5 Major Rhymer + Saturation Salvo + Barrage Rockets + Ion Bombs
Tomax Bren + Saturation Salvo + Barrage Rockets + Bomblet Generator
Captain Jonus + Saturation Salvo + Barrage Rockets + Bomblet Generator
Black Squadron Ace
Black Squadron Ace
Black Squadron Ace
Black Squadron Ace
Black Squadron Ace
29 Thilol 3 0 1.31 Ello Asty + Shield Upgrade + Integrated S-foils
Karé Kun + Shield Upgrade + Integrated S-foils
Temmin Wexley + Deadeye Shot + Shield Upgrade + Integrated S-foils
Nimi Chireen + Shield Upgrade + Integrated S-foils + Jamming Beam
Jaycris Tubbs + Shield Upgrade + Integrated S-foils
30 Enrico Kuppe Enno 3 0 1.31 Cad Bane + Ion Cannon + Deadman's Switch + Xanadu Blood + Conner Nets
Kath Scarlet + Notorious + Concussion Bombs + Deadman's Switch + Marauder + Veteran Tail Gunner
Boba Fett + Perceptive Copilot + Conner Nets + Slave I + Veteran Tail Gunner
31 Dake Khan 3 0 1.13 Darth Vader + Hate + Jamming Beam + Cluster Missiles
Maarek Stele + Marksmanship + Disciplined + Fire-Control System + Cluster Missiles + Munitions Failsafe
Gideon Hask + Elusive + Predator
Lieutenant Lorrir + Elusive + Targeting Computer
32 Zaltys 3 0 0.94 Edit
33 DaveKingBerlin 0 0 1.25 Tomax Bren + Saturation Salvo + Barrage Rockets + Bomblet Generator
“Vizier” + Emperor Palpatine
Major Rhymer + Saturation Salvo + Ion Torpedoes + Barrage Rockets
“Deathfire” + Ion Torpedoes + Mag-Pulse Warheads + Seismic Charges
Darth Vader + Instinctive Aim + Malice + Elusive + Targeting Synchronizer + Fire-Control System + Mag-Pulse Warheads + Precision Ion Engines
34 Arthurius 0 0 1.0 Thane Kyrell + Hopeful + Homing Missiles + R4 Astromech + Servomotor S-foils
Wedge Antilles + Hopeful + Marksmanship + Ion Torpedoes + “Chopper” + Munitions Failsafe + Servomotor S-foils
Norra Wexley + Hopeful + Expert Handling + Veteran Tail Gunner
Derek Klivian + Hopeful + Homing Missiles
Keo Venzee + Hopeful + Homing Missiles
Round Number Round Type Matches
1 Swiss 17 Edit
2 Swiss 17 Edit
3 Swiss 17 Edit
4 Swiss 17 Edit
2 Elimination 1 Edit
1 Elimination 2 Edit
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