Spudgun’s Worlds Warm Up 2022

Player Count: 10 Type: Store Event Format: 2.5 Standard

Location: Board in Brum State: Walsall Country: GB

Rank Cut Name Score MoV SoS Squad
1 Tom Candlin 12 32 1.56 Darth Vader + Malice + Juke + Heavy Laser Cannon
Iden Versio + Elusive + Ion Cannon
ISB Jingoist + Contraband Cybernetics
“Wampa” + Elusive
ISB Jingoist + Contraband Cybernetics
Valen Rudor + Marksmanship
2 Rich Polley 9 9 1.56 “Hound” + Satine Kryze + Korkie Kryze + Seventh Fleet Gunner
Anakin Skywalker + Crack Shot + R4-P17 + Shield Upgrade
Obi-Wan Kenobi + Patience + Brilliant Evasion + Crack Shot + Jamming Beam + Shield Upgrade
“Contrail” + Crack Shot + R7-A7 + Delayed Fuses + Alpha-3B “Besh” + Proton Bombs
3 David Wynne 9 18 1.06 Anakin Skywalker + Crack Shot + R4-P17 + Shield Upgrade
Obi-Wan Kenobi + Calibrated Laser Targeting + Elusive + R2-D2
“Hound” + Korkie Kryze + Satine Kryze + Seventh Fleet Gunner
“Contrail” + Alpha-3B “Besh” + Proton Bombs + Crack Shot + R7-A7 + Delayed Fuses
4 ashley turner 6 -12 1.94 Maarek Stele + Marksmanship + Elusive + Fire-Control System + Proton Rockets + Munitions Failsafe
Turr Phennir + Marksmanship + Shield Upgrade
ISB Jingoist + Contraband Cybernetics
ISB Jingoist + Contraband Cybernetics
Darth Vader + Marksmanship + Fire-Control System + Proton Rockets + Afterburners
5 Sean Milligan 6 8 1.88 BB-8 + Ferrosphere Paint + Automated Target Priority
Rey + Patience + Heroic + Rose Tico + Finn + Engine Upgrade + Rey's Millennium Falcon
Poe Dameron + Heroic + R4 Astromech + Ferrosphere Paint + Overdrive Thruster + Munitions Failsafe + Integrated S-foils + Black One + Proton Torpedoes
C’ai Threnalli + Ion Cannon Turret + Watchful Astromech + Proton Bombs + Targeting Computer + Engine Upgrade
6 Gary Bindoff 4 5 1.25 “Wolffe” + Expert Handling + R7-A7 + Veteran Tail Gunner + Clone Commander Cody
Mace Windu + Calibrated Laser Targeting + R4-P17 + Brilliant Evasion + Predictive Shot
Anakin Skywalker + Proton Torpedoes + Passive Sensors + R3 Astromech
“Hawk” + Proton Rockets
“Slider” + Proton Rockets
7 Shane Obrien 4 11 1.19 Rear Admiral Chiraneau + Dauntless + Fifth Brother + Proton Bombs + Shield Upgrade + Predator
Black Squadron Ace + Elusive
ISB Jingoist + Contraband Cybernetics
Valen Rudor + Marksmanship
ISB Jingoist + Contraband Cybernetics
Black Squadron Ace + Elusive
Black Squadron Ace + Elusive
8 Marc Rider 3 -9 1.83 Rear Admiral Chiraneau + Ruthless + Seventh Sister + Death Troopers + Tiber Saxon + Proximity Mines
Captain Oicunn + Ruthless + Hondo Ohnaka + The Child + Proximity Mines + Dauntless
Major Vermeil + Ruthless + Darth Vader + ISB Slicer
9 Mark B (Capt. Black) 3 -8 1.5 Zorii Bliss + Swarm Tactics + Ferrosphere Paint + Ion Cannon Turret + Watchful Astromech + Proximity Mines + Engine Upgrade
Jarek Yeager + Heroic + Deadeye Shot + M9-G8 + Targeting Computer + Kaz's Fireball
Ello Asty + Heroic + Crack Shot + R4 Astromech + Integrated S-foils + Heavy Laser Cannon
Wilsa Teshlo + Ferrosphere Paint + Ion Cannon Turret + Watchful Astromech + Proton Bombs
Corus Kapellim + Ferrosphere Paint + Ion Cannon Turret + Watchful Astromech + Proximity Mines + Targeting Computer + Cloaking Device
10 Tim King 0 -54 0.92 Luminara Unduli + R4-P17 + Calibrated Laser Targeting + Patience
“Klick” + R3 Astromech + Alpha-3B “Besh” + Proton Bombs + Dedicated
“Contrail” + R3 Astromech + Alpha-3B “Besh” + Proximity Mines + Synchronized Console + Dedicated
“Hound” + Satine Kryze + Korkie Kryze + Seventh Fleet Gunner
Obi-Wan Kenobi + R4 Astromech + Heavy Laser Cannon + Patience + Shattering Shot + Trick Shot
Round Number Round Type Matches
1 Swiss 5 Edit
2 Swiss 5 Edit
3 Swiss 5 Edit
4 Swiss 4 Edit
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