Labyrinth Games and Puzzles Monthly

Player Count: 9 Type: Store Event Format: 2.0 Extended

Location: Labyrinth Games and Puzzles State: DC Country: US

Rank Cut Name Score MoV SoS Squad
1 Paul Mandsager 4 1334 0.5600000000000001 Techno Union Bomber + Landing Struts + Discord Missiles + Ion Torpedoes
Techno Union Bomber + Landing Struts + Discord Missiles + Ion Torpedoes
Techno Union Bomber + Landing Struts + Munitions Failsafe + Ion Torpedoes
Techno Union Bomber + Landing Struts + DRK-1 Probe Droids + Ion Torpedoes
Baktoid Prototype + Landing Struts + Multi-Missile Pods
Baktoid Prototype + Landing Struts + Multi-Missile Pods
2 Nathan Kasai 3 951 0.5600000000000001 Wedge Antilles + Proton Torpedoes + Servomotor S-foils
Luke Skywalker + Proton Torpedoes + R2 Astromech + Servomotor S-foils
Ahsoka Tano + Patience + Concussion Missiles
3 Jesse Van Wick 2 1023 0.5600000000000001 Edit
4 Craig Viera 2 869 0.5600000000000001 Anakin Skywalker + Delta-7B
Obi-Wan Kenobi + Delta-7B
Ric Olié + Juke
5 Tom Zych 2 771 0.58 Rexler Brath + Marksmanship + Jamming Beam
Darth Vader
Soontir Fel + Predator
6 Stephen Michel 2 725 0.67 “Grudge” + Thermal Detonators + Cluster Mines + Delayed Fuses
Sienar-Jaemus Test Pilot + Thermal Detonators + Electro-Chaff Missiles + Delayed Fuses
Sienar-Jaemus Test Pilot + Thermal Detonators + Electro-Chaff Missiles + Delayed Fuses
Major Vonreg + Shield Upgrade + Daredevil + Pattern Analyzer
7 Brian Palladino 2 654 0.42 Edit
8 Kevin Cornell 2 603 0.58 Poe Dameron + R4 Astromech + Integrated S-foils + Jamming Beam
Zorii Bliss + Ion Cannon Turret + R4 Astromech + Wartime Loadout + Ion Torpedoes
Zizi Tlo + Ion Missiles
Tallissan Lintra + Ion Missiles
9 Thomas Zheng 1 594 0.5600000000000001 Edit
Round Number Round Type Matches
1 Swiss 5 Edit
2 Swiss 5 Edit
3 Swiss 5 Edit
4 Swiss 5 Edit
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