Kirton Games X-Wing Summer Extended

Player Count: 17 Type: Store Event Format: 2.0 Extended

Location: Kirton Games State: Devon Country: GB

Rank Cut Name Score MoV SoS Squad
1 Paul Cadwell 4 1041 0.67 Lando Calrissian + Jabba the Hutt + False Transponder Codes + Lando's Millennium Falcon
Bossk + Zam Wesell + Greedo + Contraband Cybernetics
Asajj Ventress + 0-0-0 + Contraband Cybernetics + False Transponder Codes + Shadow Caster
2 4 Chris Burnett 3 1000 0.56 Hera Syndulla + Vectored Cannons (RZ-1)
Luke Skywalker + Servomotor S-foils
Garven Dreis + Servomotor S-foils
Kyle Katarn + Jyn Erso + Moldy Crow
3 4 Richard Greenaway 3 949 0.56 Jarek Yeager + Intimidation + R1-J5 + Kaz's Fireball
Paige Tico + Heroic + Perceptive Copilot + Veteran Turret Gunner + Finn
Rose Tico + Heroic + C-3PO
Red Squadron Expert + Heroic + Integrated S-foils
4 1 Sean Oakley 3 909 0.63 Jessika Pava + Integrated S-foils
Red Squadron Expert + Heroic + R6-D8 + Integrated S-foils
Red Squadron Expert + Heroic + Integrated S-foils
Rose Tico
Finn + Heroic
5 2 Stuart Confrey 3 862 0.56 Obi-Wan Kenobi + R7-A7 + Autoblasters + Patience + Stealth Device + Marksmanship
Anakin Skywalker + R2-A6 + Autoblasters + Stealth Device + Marksmanship
Luminara Unduli + C1-10P + Sense
6 Tony Cameron 3 856 0.38 Jango Fett + Count Dooku + Thermal Detonators + False Transponder Codes
Zam Wesell + Elusive + Palpatine/Sidious + Thermal Detonators + Contraband Cybernetics + Delayed Fuses
7 Jonathan Clack 2 925 0.63 Wedge Antilles + Predator + R5 Astromech + Hull Upgrade + Servomotor S-foils
Luke Skywalker + Proton Torpedoes + R2-D2 + Servomotor S-foils
Biggs Darklighter + R2 Astromech + Servomotor S-foils
8 Iain Wilson 2 839 0.5 Darth Vader + Fire-Control System + Afterburners
Soontir Fel + Predator + Stealth Device + Shield Upgrade
Ciena Ree + Predator
9 Brett Jones 2 801 0.5 Seventh Sister
Fifth Brother
Darth Vader
10 Ian Atrill 2 785 0.5 Sigma Squadron Ace + Juke
Sigma Squadron Ace + Juke
Sigma Squadron Ace + Juke
Black Squadron Scout + Predator
11 Tim Greenaway 2 780 0.33 “Holo”
Kylo Ren + Extreme Maneuvers
Lieutenant Tavson
12 David Cook 2 779 0.56 Hera Syndulla + Predator + Swarm Tactics + Concussion Missiles
Wedge Antilles + Swarm Tactics + R3 Astromech + Servomotor S-foils
Kyle Katarn + Hopeful + Thermal Detonators + Jyn Erso + Delayed Fuses + Moldy Crow
Captain Rex
13 Cmdr. Blazinger 2 644 0.63 Gavin Darklighter + Fire-Control System + R4 Astromech
Hera Syndulla + Cluster Missiles
“Dutch” Vander + Ion Cannon Turret + Plasma Torpedoes
Wedge Antilles + Marksmanship + Predator
14 Steve Jewell 1 782 0.5 Lando Calrissian + Nien Nunb
Blue Squadron Escort + Servomotor S-foils
Blue Squadron Escort + Servomotor S-foils
Blue Squadron Escort + Servomotor S-foils
15 SamTinSquadron 1 642 0.5 Soontir Fel + Predator
Darth Vader + Afterburners + Fire-Control System
Grand Inquisitor
16 Mark Packer-Hughes 1 635 0.44 Chewbacca + Rey + Deadman's Switch + Electronic Baffle + Heroic + Rey's Millennium Falcon
Colossus Station Mechanic + Deadman's Switch + Electronic Baffle
Colossus Station Mechanic + Deadman's Switch + Electronic Baffle
Colossus Station Mechanic + Deadman's Switch + Electronic Baffle
Colossus Station Mechanic + Deadman's Switch + Electronic Baffle
17 Simon Greenaway 0 671 0.5 Alexsandr Kallus + Leia Organa
“Dutch” Vander + Plasma Torpedoes + R4 Astromech
Blue Squadron Escort + Servomotor S-foils
Blue Squadron Escort + Servomotor S-foils
Round Number Round Type Matches
1 Swiss 9 Edit
2 Swiss 9 Edit
3 Swiss 9 Edit
4 Swiss 9 Edit
4 Elimination 2 Edit
2 Elimination 1 Edit
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