Faction Series - The Force

Player Count: 46 Type: Other Format: 2.0 Extended

Location: TTT Country: BR

Rank Cut Name Score MoV SoS Squad
1 8 Filipe Freitas 6 1835 0.63 Anakin Skywalker + Brilliant Evasion + Marksmanship + Autoblasters + R7-A7 + Stealth Device
Obi-Wan Kenobi + Delta-7B
Ric Olié + R2 Astromech
2 8 André Landre 5 1682 0.54 Jedi Knight + Delta-7B
Jedi Knight + Delta-7B
Squad Seven Veteran + Wolfpack
3 8 Juan Carlos ruiz(afrogeek) 5 1652 0.54 General Grievous + Impervium Plating + Soulless One
Bombardment Drone + Proximity Mines
Bombardment Drone + Proximity Mines
Trade Federation Drone + Discord Missiles + Grappling Struts
Trade Federation Drone + Discord Missiles + Grappling Struts
Trade Federation Drone + Discord Missiles + Grappling Struts
4 8 Marcos Efraim 5 1635 0.59 Zam Wesell + Lone Wolf + Count Dooku + Thermal Detonators + Contraband Cybernetics + Hull Upgrade
General Grievous + Outmaneuver + Impervium Plating + Soulless One
Skakoan Ace
5 2 LG Sabino 5 1569 0.67 Poe Dameron + Heroic + R4 Astromech + Overdrive Thruster + Integrated S-foils
Cova Nell + Heroic + Leia Organa + R4 Astromech
Rose Tico
Finn + Heroic + Pattern Analyzer + Perceptive Copilot
6 1 Marcelo Dantas 4 1701 0.61 Darth Vader + Fire-Control System + Afterburners
“Echo” + Collision Detector + Fifth Brother + Targeting Computer
Grand Inquisitor
7 4 Oigres 4 1565 0.43 Colonel Jendon
Tempest Squadron Pilot + Fire-Control System
Tempest Squadron Pilot + Fire-Control System
Tempest Squadron Pilot + Fire-Control System
8 4 Leo 86 4 1505 0.58 IG-88B + Elusive + Advanced Sensors + Synced Laser Cannons + Proximity Mines + Contraband Cybernetics + Stealth Device + IG-2000
IG-88D + Elusive + Advanced Sensors + Synced Laser Cannons + Proximity Mines + Contraband Cybernetics + Stealth Device + IG-2000
9 Ronaldo Francisco 4 1495 0.4 Darth Vader + Brilliant Evasion + Fire-Control System + Afterburners
Soontir Fel + Predator + Stealth Device
Grand Inquisitor + Brilliant Evasion
10 Leonardo Arthur 4 1462 0.39 Arvel Crynyd + Predator + Intimidation + XX-23 S-Thread Tracers
Red Squadron Veteran + Servomotor S-foils
Red Squadron Veteran + Servomotor S-foils
Red Squadron Veteran + Servomotor S-foils
Red Squadron Veteran + Servomotor S-foils
11 Sebastian Nuñez del Arco 4 1446 0.72 Jedi Knight + Delta-7B
Jedi Knight + Delta-7B
Jedi Knight + Delta-7B
Luminara Unduli + C1-10P + Calibrated Laser Targeting
12 Bruno Pugliese 4 1438 0.42 Captain Seevor
Torkil Mux + Zam Wesell + Moldy Crow
Cartel Marauder
Cartel Marauder
Cartel Marauder
13 Quinante 4 1400 0.44 Zizi Tlo + Heroic + XX-23 S-Thread Tracers + Advanced Optics
Red Squadron Expert + Heroic + Integrated S-foils + Adv. Proton Torpedoes
Red Squadron Expert + Heroic + Integrated S-foils + Adv. Proton Torpedoes
Red Squadron Expert + Heroic + Integrated S-foils + Adv. Proton Torpedoes
14 André de Souza Botelho 4 1368 0.47 Han Solo + Trick Shot + R2-D2 + Lando Calrissian + Hull Upgrade + Millennium Falcon
Jake Farrell + Proton Rockets
Luke Skywalker + Servomotor S-foils
15 Rodrigo Amoretti 4 1366 0.6 Jedi Knight + Delta-7B
Jedi Knight + Delta-7B
Squad Seven Veteran + Wolfpack
16 Leandro Grego 4 1266 0.64 Jango Fett + Count Dooku + Proximity Mines + False Transponder Codes + Lone Wolf
Zam Wesell + Palpatine/Sidious + Thermal Detonators + False Transponder Codes
17 Juan Sebastian Quinche 3 1399 0.47 “Holo” + Proud Tradition + XX-23 S-Thread Tracers
Epsilon Squadron Cadet
Epsilon Squadron Cadet
Epsilon Squadron Cadet
Epsilon Squadron Cadet
Gideon Hask + Angled Deflectors
18 Juliano spadoni 3 1322 0.42 Omega Squadron Expert + Concussion Missiles + Passive Sensors
Omega Squadron Expert + Concussion Missiles + Passive Sensors
“Backdraft” + Special Forces Gunner
“Scorch” + Fanatical
“Longshot” + Fanatical
19 Raoni Cogo 3 1271 0.54 Tallissan Lintra + Heroic + Proton Rockets + Advanced Optics
Zizi Tlo + Heroic + Proton Rockets + Advanced Optics
Rey + Korr Sella + Rose Tico + Finn + Contraband Cybernetics + Rey's Millennium Falcon
20 juan pablo gonzalez 3 1196 0.53 General Grievous + Impervium Plating + Soulless One
Sun Fac + Ensnare + Crack Shot
Berwer Kret + Ensnare + Crack Shot
21 Hugo Bossk 3 1157 0.5 Jango Fett + Lone Wolf + Palpatine/Sidious + Proximity Mines + False Transponder Codes + Slave I
Zam Wesell + Count Dooku + Thermal Detonators + False Transponder Codes
22 Claudio Oliveira 3 1157 0.4 Norra Wexley + Lando Calrissian
Wedge Antilles + Composure + Servomotor S-foils
Thane Kyrell + Servomotor S-foils
“Zeb” Orrelios + Leia Organa + Dorsal Turret
23 Antonio Sanders - Phynoz 3 1142 0.49 Han Solo + Trick Shot + R2-D2 + Kanan Jarrus + Hull Upgrade
Norra Wexley + “Zeb” Orrelios + Hull Upgrade
Jake Farrell
24 Guillermo Saona 3 1035 0.64 Lieutenant Tavson + Biohexacrypt Codes
“Holo” + Proud Tradition + Pattern Analyzer
Lieutenant LeHuse + Fanatical + Special Forces Gunner
Lieutenant Rivas
25 Sérgio Pedrinha 3 920 0.42 Han Solo + Kaydel Connix + Korr Sella + Rey + Contraband Cybernetics + Engine Upgrade + Rey's Millennium Falcon
Poe Dameron + Heroic + R4 Astromech + Pattern Analyzer + Overdrive Thruster + Integrated S-foils + Black One + Heavy Laser Cannon
26 Jaime Sinclair 3 844 0.53 Serissu + Adv. Proton Torpedoes
Sunny Bounder + Adv. Proton Torpedoes
Genesis Red + Adv. Proton Torpedoes
Emon Azzameen + Zam Wesell + Proximity Mines + Thermal Detonators + Andrasta
27 Mateldar 2 1267 0.35 Anakin Skywalker + Marksmanship + Autoblasters + R4 Astromech + Shield Upgrade
Aayla Secura + Marksmanship + Autoblasters + R7-A7 + Shield Upgrade
Obi-Wan Kenobi + R4 Astromech + Calibrated Laser Targeting
28 Gabriel Moreira (Redfieldz) 2 1246 0.35 212th Battalion Pilot + Seventh Fleet Gunner
Luminara Unduli + Calibrated Laser Targeting
Barriss Offee + Calibrated Laser Targeting
Shaak Ti + R5 Astromech + Tractor Beam
29 Miguel Ricardo Vargas 2 1210 0.45 Darth Vader + Brilliant Evasion + Afterburners
Grand Inquisitor + Fire-Control System
“Echo” + Fifth Brother + Passive Sensors
30 LucianoBotta (Iceman) 2 1165 0.51 Fifth Brother + Passive Sensors + Homing Missiles
Seventh Sister + Passive Sensors + Mag-Pulse Warheads
“Deathrain” + Diamond-Boron Missiles + Thermal Detonators + Delayed Fuses
Ved Foslo + Passive Sensors
31 Pedro Raia 2 1034 0.4 Anakin Skywalker + Proton Torpedoes + R4 Astromech
Obi-Wan Kenobi + Delta-7B
Mace Windu + Delta-7B
32 Felipe Mendes 2 989 0.53 Cobalt Squadron Bomber + Seismic Charges + Thermal Detonators + Veteran Turret Gunner + Skilled Bombardier + Delayed Fuses
Cobalt Squadron Bomber + Seismic Charges + Thermal Detonators + Veteran Turret Gunner + Skilled Bombardier + Delayed Fuses
Cobalt Squadron Bomber + Ion Bombs + Thermal Detonators + Veteran Turret Gunner + Skilled Bombardier
33 Wagner toyama 2 943 0.52 Wedge Antilles + Elusive + “Chopper” + Servomotor S-foils
Luke Skywalker + Heightened Perception + R2-D2 + Servomotor S-foils
Ezra Bridger + Heightened Perception
Gray Squadron Bomber + Dorsal Turret + Seismic Charges
34 Marcelo Boldrin 2 933 0.62 Saber Squadron Ace + Predator
Saber Squadron Ace + Predator
Saber Squadron Ace + Predator
Saber Squadron Ace + Predator
Saber Squadron Ace + Predator + Shield Upgrade
35 Rafa Prada 2 848 0.53 Ved Foslo + Passive Sensors
Fifth Brother + Passive Sensors + Homing Missiles
Seventh Sister + Passive Sensors + Mag-Pulse Warheads
“Deathrain” + Passive Sensors + Diamond-Boron Missiles + Thermal Detonators + Delayed Fuses
36 Eduardo Pires 2 727 0.57 Fenn Rau + Predator
Talonbane Cobra + Predator + Contraband Cybernetics + Afterburners + Shield Upgrade
Zuckuss + Fire-Control System + Zam Wesell + Contraband Cybernetics + Shield Upgrade + Mist Hunter
37 Tarcísio Simões 2 632 0.58 Jango Fett + Jamming Beam + Count Dooku + Thermal Detonators + False Transponder Codes + Shield Upgrade + Lone Wolf
Zam Wesell + Jamming Beam + Perceptive Copilot + Thermal Detonators + Shield Upgrade + Predator
38 Eric Nóbrega 1 687 0.41 Lando Calrissian + Trick Shot + Nien Nunb
Dash Rendar + Trick Shot + Bistan + Perceptive Copilot + Hull Upgrade
39 Rodrigo Muzzi 1 608 0.3 Boba Fett + Han Solo + Slave I
Dengar + Autoblasters + Zam Wesell + Greedo + False Transponder Codes + Proton Torpedoes
40 Marcellus Silva 1 602 0.57 Squad Seven Veteran + Wolfpack
Jedi Knight + Delta-7B
Jedi Knight + Delta-7B
41 Rodrigo Denicol 1 450 0.62 Yoda + Patience + Battle Meditation + Tractor Beam + C1-10P
Jedi Knight + Foresight + R4-P Astromech + Calibrated Laser Targeting
Jedi Knight + Foresight + R4-P Astromech + Calibrated Laser Targeting
Jedi Knight + Foresight + R4-P Astromech + Calibrated Laser Targeting
42 Gustavo Meirelles 1 415 0.61 Anakin Skywalker + R4-P17 + Delta-7B
Obi-Wan Kenobi + R2-A6 + Calibrated Laser Targeting
Ahsoka Tano + Calibrated Laser Targeting
43 Tairã 1 230 0.56 Alpha Squadron Pilot
Alpha Squadron Pilot
Alpha Squadron Pilot
Alpha Squadron Pilot
Academy Pilot
Scarif Base Pilot + Admiral Sloane + Hull Upgrade
44 Thiago Tinôco 0 435 0.54 Major Vermeil + Emperor Palpatine
Delta Squadron Pilot + Fire-Control System
Delta Squadron Pilot + Fire-Control System
45 Gustavo Bandeira 0 364 0.46 Wedge Antilles + Proton Torpedoes + Servomotor S-foils
Rogue Squadron Escort + Fire-Control System + Proton Torpedoes + R4 Astromech
Rogue Squadron Escort + Fire-Control System + Proton Torpedoes + R4 Astromech
46 Renato Flores 0 87 0.58 Anakin Skywalker + Marksmanship + Autoblasters + R7-A7
Obi-Wan Kenobi + R4-P17 + Delta-7B
Luminara Unduli + C1-10P + Calibrated Laser Targeting
Round Number Round Type Matches
1 Swiss 24 Edit
2 Swiss 23 Edit
3 Swiss 23 Edit
4 Swiss 22 Edit
5 Swiss 19 Edit
6 Swiss 17 Edit
8 Elimination 4 Edit
4 Elimination 2 Edit
2 Elimination 1 Edit
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