Wave 1 Championship

Player Count: 12 Type: Store Event Format: 2.0 Extended

Location: A Fistful of Dice State: Portsmouth Country: GB

Rank Cut Name Score MoV SoS Squad
1 4 Oli Pocknell 4 1224 0.44 “Deathrain” + Proton Torpedoes + Trajectory Simulator + Proton Bombs + Seismic Charges
“Redline” + Proton Torpedoes + Advanced Sensors
“Whisper” + Darth Vader + Juke
2 2 Phil GC 3 1067 0.31 Boba Fett + 0-0-0 + Han Solo + Marauder
Guri + Advanced Sensors + Hull Upgrade + Shield Upgrade + Virago
3 4 Benjamin Lee 3 1046 0.44 “Whisper” + Darth Vader + Juke
“Deathrain” + Proton Torpedoes + Trajectory Simulator + Proton Bombs + Seismic Charges
“Redline” + Proton Torpedoes + Advanced Sensors
4 1 Conor McNama 3 883 0.56 Wedge Antilles + Proton Torpedoes + Servomotor S-foils + Trick Shot
Jan Ors + Jyn Erso + Moldy Crow + Trick Shot
Thane Kyrell + Servomotor S-foils + Trick Shot
AP-5 + Trick Shot
5 Phil Rawles 2 902 0.63 Fenn Rau + Fearless
Jakku Gunrunner
Boba Fett + Shield Upgrade + 0-0-0 + Fearless + Marauder + Han Solo
6 Julian Hood 2 859 0.5 Fenn Rau + Fearless
Old Teroch + Fearless
Palob Godalhi + Moldy Crow + Debris Gambit
7 Elliot Weights 2 823 0.63 Scimitar Squadron Pilot + Barrage Rockets
Captain Kagi + Admiral Sloane + 0-0-0
“Whisper” + Darth Vader + Juke
Scimitar Squadron Pilot + Barrage Rockets
8 Jay Elvin 2 795 0.63 “Whisper” + Darth Vader + Collision Detector + Juke
Captain Kagi + Admiral Sloane + 0-0-0
“Redline” + Proton Torpedoes + Advanced Sensors
9 Nick Smith 1 648 0.38 Commander Malarus + Juke
“Blackout” + Proton Torpedoes + Primed Thrusters + Trick Shot
“Quickdraw” + Fire-Control System + Special Forces Gunner + Elusive
10 Don Shields 1 610 0.44 Dengar + Proton Torpedoes + Trick Shot
Captain Nym + “Genius” + Trajectory Simulator + Trick Shot + Havoc + Ion Cannon Turret + Proton Bombs + Seismic Charges
Torkil Mux + Moldy Crow
11 Chris Cooper 1 576 0.5 Thane Kyrell + Proton Torpedoes + Servomotor S-foils
Luke Skywalker + Proton Torpedoes + Servomotor S-foils + Instinctive Aim
Wedge Antilles + Proton Torpedoes + Servomotor S-foils + Swarm Tactics
12 James Barham 0 167 0.56 Luke Skywalker + Proton Torpedoes + Servomotor S-foils + R2-D2 + Instinctive Aim
Lando Calrissian + Jyn Erso + Nien Nunb + Bistan + Millennium Falcon
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