Mynock Open

Player Count: 160 Type: Other Format: 2.0 Extended

Location: The Perky Nerd State: CA Country: US

Rank Cut Name Score MoV SoS Squad
1 1 Garrett Jost 10 0.68 Boba Fett + IG-88D + Marauder
Palob Godalhi + 0-0-0 + Moldy Crow
Jakku Gunrunner
Jakku Gunrunner
2 2 Ben Rampley 9 0.72 4-LOM + Advanced Sensors + 0-0-0 + Mist Hunter
Palob Godalhi + Lando Calrissian + Moldy Crow
Guri + Outmaneuver + Advanced Sensors
3 3 Andrew Bunn 8 0.72 “Whisper” + Juke + Darth Vader
“Redline” + Trajectory Simulator + Proton Torpedoes + Proton Bombs
Soontir Fel + Predator
4 4 Brandon Griffith 8 0.68 Lando Calrissian + Marksmanship + Tactical Officer
Boba Fett + Debris Gambit + 0-0-0 + Proton Bombs + Deadman's Switch + Shield Upgrade + Marauder + Han Solo
Kavil + Trick Shot + Dorsal Turret + Proton Torpedoes + BT-1 + “Genius” + Seismic Charges + Deadman's Switch + Hull Upgrade
5 5 Chris Allen 7 0.64 “Whisper” + Juke + Darth Vader
“Redline” + Advanced Sensors + Proton Torpedoes
Soontir Fel + Juke
6 6 Asa Graf 7 0.66 Soontir Fel + Predator
Darth Vader + Supernatural Reflexes + Afterburners
Lieutenant Sai + Advanced Sensors
7 7 Steven Gonzales 6 “Whisper” + Juke + Collision Detector + Darth Vader
“Pure Sabacc”
Captain Kagi + Admiral Sloane
Academy Pilot
8 8 Dale Cromwell 6 0.63 “Whisper” + Juke + Collision Detector + Darth Vader
“Redline” + Advanced Sensors + Proton Torpedoes
Soontir Fel + Juke
9 6 Daniel Lim 6 0.59 Sabine Wren + Debris Gambit
Luke Skywalker + Supernatural Reflexes + Servomotor S-foils
Lieutenant Blount
Norra Wexley
10 10 Alexandra Nobles 6 0.51 “Whisper” + Juke + Collision Detector + Darth Vader
“Redline” + Trajectory Simulator + Proton Torpedoes + Proton Bombs + Seismic Charges + Ablative Plating
Major Vermeil + 0-0-0 + Electronic Baffle
11 11 Ryan Frost 5 0.7 “Whisper” + Juke + Collision Detector + Darth Vader + Shield Upgrade
Academy Pilot
Academy Pilot
Academy Pilot
Academy Pilot
Academy Pilot
12 12 Doug Stone-Weaver 5 0.66 Fenn Rau + Fearless
Han Solo + Trick Shot + 0-0-0 + Hotshot Gunner + Lando's Millennium Falcon
Palob Godalhi + Debris Gambit + Cloaking Device + Moldy Crow
13 13 Brandon Carey 5 0.66 Scimitar Squadron Pilot + Barrage Rockets
Scimitar Squadron Pilot + Barrage Rockets
“Whisper” + Juke + Darth Vader
“Redline” + Trajectory Simulator + Proton Torpedoes + Proton Bombs
14 14 Mitchell Raab 5 0.62 IG-88A + Elusive + Trajectory Simulator + Ion Cannon + Tractor Beam + Proton Bombs + Feedback Array + Ablative Plating + IG-2000
IG-88B + Elusive + Trajectory Simulator + Ion Cannon + Tractor Beam + Proton Bombs + Feedback Array + Ablative Plating + IG-2000
15 15 Steven Ford 5 0.62 Binayre Pirate
Binayre Pirate
Jakku Gunrunner
Jakku Gunrunner
Drea Renthal + Dorsal Turret + Han Solo
Torkil Mux + Moldy Crow
16 16 Joshua Miles 5 0.58 L3-37 + Tactical Officer
Boba Fett + Debris Gambit + 0-0-0 + Shield Upgrade + Marauder + Han Solo
Fenn Rau + Elusive
17 17 Carson Hopper 5 0.54 Fenn Rau + Fearless
Boba Fett + IG-88D + Marauder + Han Solo
L3-37 + Tactical Officer
18 James McCauley 4 “Redline” + Trajectory Simulator + Proton Torpedoes + Proton Bombs + Ablative Plating
Scimitar Squadron Pilot + Barrage Rockets
Scimitar Squadron Pilot + Barrage Rockets
“Deathrain” + Trajectory Simulator + Proton Torpedoes + Proton Bombs + Seismic Charges + Ablative Plating
19 Drew Brody 4 Nu Squadron Pilot + Xg-1 Assault Configuration + Ion Cannon
“Redline” + Trajectory Simulator + Proton Torpedoes + Seismic Charges
Nu Squadron Pilot + Xg-1 Assault Configuration + Ion Cannon
Colonel Jendon + Admiral Sloane + Shield Upgrade
20 Treylon Nielson 4 “Whisper” + Juke + Collision Detector + Darth Vader
“Redline” + Trajectory Simulator + Proton Torpedoes + Proton Bombs
“Deathrain” + Fire-Control System + Barrage Rockets + Proton Bombs + Seismic Charges
21 Brian Bugaj 4 Blade Squadron Veteran + Selfless + Shield Upgrade
Blade Squadron Veteran + Selfless + Shield Upgrade
Braylen Stramm
Biggs Darklighter + Servomotor S-foils
22 Andrew Lauritzen 4 4-LOM + Advanced Sensors + Mist Hunter
Palob Godalhi + Trick Shot + Cloaking Device + Moldy Crow
Koshka Frost + Trick Shot + 0-0-0 + Seismic Charges + Rigged Cargo Chute + Marauder
23 Christopher Baldry 4 Wedge Antilles + Outmaneuver + Proton Torpedoes + Servomotor S-foils
Thane Kyrell + Elusive + R5 Astromech + Servomotor S-foils
Luke Skywalker + Instinctive Aim + Proton Torpedoes + Servomotor S-foils
24 Steven DeBirk 4 “Whisper” + Juke + Collision Detector + Director Krennic
“Redline” + Trajectory Simulator + Proton Torpedoes + Seismic Charges
Lieutenant Sai + Darth Vader + ST-321
25 Chris Langland 4 Luke Skywalker + Supernatural Reflexes + Proton Torpedoes + R2-D2 + Afterburners + Servomotor S-foils
Bandit Squadron Pilot
Bandit Squadron Pilot
Bandit Squadron Pilot
Bandit Squadron Pilot
26 Matt Bartel 4 “Whisper” + Juke + Collision Detector + Darth Vader
“Redline” + Trajectory Simulator + Proton Torpedoes + Proton Bombs
Major Vermeil + 0-0-0
27 Zafar Tejani 4 Darth Vader + Fire-Control System
“Duchess” + Juke + Fifth Brother
“Whisper” + Juke + Seventh Sister
28 Andrew Nuckols 4 Guri + Outmaneuver + Advanced Sensors
L3-37 + Tactical Officer
Dengar + Trick Shot + Proton Torpedoes + Contraband Cybernetics + Punishing One + R3 Astromech
29 Travis Hebert 4 Scimitar Squadron Pilot + Barrage Rockets
Scimitar Squadron Pilot + Barrage Rockets
Scimitar Squadron Pilot + Barrage Rockets
Captain Jonus + Barrage Rockets
Omicron Group Pilot + Admiral Sloane + Hull Upgrade
30 Andrew Schlueter 4 Drea Renthal + Dorsal Turret
L3-37 + Tobias Beckett
Binayre Pirate
Binayre Pirate
Jakku Gunrunner
Jakku Gunrunner
Jakku Gunrunner
31 Vince Joaquin 4 “Whisper” + Juke + Collision Detector + Darth Vader
“Redline” + Trajectory Simulator + Proton Torpedoes + Proton Bombs
“Deathrain” + Trajectory Simulator + Barrage Rockets + Proton Bombs + Seismic Charges
32 Steven Pedroza 4 Lando Calrissian + Tactical Officer
Boba Fett + Debris Gambit + IG-88D + Proton Bombs + Marauder + Han Solo
Fenn Rau + Outmaneuver
33 Milton Cheng 4 “Whisper” + Juke + Collision Detector + Darth Vader
“Redline” + Advanced Sensors + Proton Torpedoes
“Duchess” + Juke + Fifth Brother
34 Austin Bono 4 4-LOM + Elusive
Palob Godalhi + Trick Shot + L3-37 + Moldy Crow
Boba Fett + Debris Gambit + 0-0-0 + Marauder + Han Solo
35 Ryan Martens 4 “Whisper” + Juke + Darth Vader
“Redline” + Trajectory Simulator + Proton Torpedoes + Proton Bombs
Lieutenant Sai + 0-0-0 + ST-321
36 Thomas Hoffman 4 “Whisper” + Juke + Collision Detector + Darth Vader
Rexler Brath + Juke + Heavy Laser Cannon
37 Trevor Betts 4 Han Solo + Trick Shot + Luke Skywalker + Jyn Erso + Kanan Jarrus
Wedge Antilles + Proton Torpedoes
38 Michael Sausedo 4 Captain Kagi + Freelance Slicer + ST-321
“Duchess” + Outmaneuver + Fifth Brother + Afterburners
“Redline” + Trajectory Simulator + Proton Torpedoes + Proton Bombs + Seismic Charges + Ablative Plating
39 Bryant Francis 4 Lando Calrissian + Trick Shot + Han Solo + Nien Nunb
Roark Garnet + Trick Shot + Moldy Crow
Arvel Crynyd + Intimidation
40 John Famas 4 Rear Admiral Chiraneau + Darth Vader + 0-0-0 + Hotshot Gunner + Shield Upgrade + Dauntless
“Whisper” + Juke + Grand Inquisitor + Stealth Device
41 Dan Fowler 4 “Whisper” + Juke + Collision Detector
Saber Squadron Ace + Juke
Rexler Brath + Juke + Collision Detector
42 Ernesto Vasquez 4 Major Rhymer + Adv. Proton Torpedoes + Cluster Missiles
“Redline” + Advanced Sensors + Proton Torpedoes
Captain Kagi
Colonel Jendon
43 Geoff Moore 4 Wedge Antilles + Swarm Tactics + Servomotor S-foils
Sabine Wren + Crack Shot
“Dutch” Vander + Crack Shot + Proton Torpedoes
Ten Numb + Squad Leader
44 Robert Crumlish 4 “Whisper” + Juke + Advanced Sensors + Darth Vader
“Redline” + Trajectory Simulator + Proton Torpedoes + Proton Bombs
Lieutenant Sai + 0-0-0 + ST-321
45 Michael Ramirez 4 Dengar + Crack Shot + Proton Torpedoes + Shield Upgrade + Punishing One + R3 Astromech
Torkil Mux + Proximity Mines + Stealth Device + Moldy Crow
Serissu + Crack Shot + Heavy Laser Cannon
46 Jonathan Gomes 4 Blue Squadron Escort + Servomotor S-foils
Blue Squadron Escort + Servomotor S-foils
Blue Squadron Escort + Servomotor S-foils
Gray Squadron Bomber + Ion Cannon Turret
Gray Squadron Bomber + Ion Cannon Turret
47 Darryl McMillon 4 Wedge Antilles + Crack Shot + Servomotor S-foils
Jan Ors + Trick Shot + Moldy Crow
Sabine Wren + Debris Gambit
Norra Wexley + Proton Torpedoes
48 Ron BOOOOOOOOO RON 4 Jakku Gunrunner
Jakku Gunrunner
Kavil + Expert Handling + Dorsal Turret + Han Solo + R4 Astromech
Guri + Predator + Advanced Sensors + Shield Upgrade
49 Robert Whang 4 Lando Calrissian + Trick Shot + L3-37 + 0-0-0 + BT-1 + Rigged Cargo Chute + Lando's Millennium Falcon
Jakku Gunrunner
Asajj Ventress + Heightened Perception + Ketsu Onyo + Rigged Cargo Chute + Shadow Caster
50 Erick Coba Gaston 4 Luke Skywalker + Supernatural Reflexes + Servomotor S-foils
Sabine Wren + Trick Shot + Jyn Erso
Jan Ors + Trick Shot + Moldy Crow
Lieutenant Blount
51 Marion Sistena 4 Wedge Antilles + Swarm Tactics + Proton Torpedoes + R5 Astromech + Hull Upgrade
“Dutch” Vander + Proton Torpedoes + R3 Astromech + Hull Upgrade
Ten Numb + Squad Leader + Advanced Sensors + Heavy Laser Cannon + Hull Upgrade
52 Jaxon Evans 4 Edit
53 Robert Kukuchka 4 Koshka Frost + Trick Shot + Marauder + BT-1
4-LOM + Elusive + Advanced Sensors + 0-0-0 + Mist Hunter
Palob Godalhi + Trick Shot + Zuckuss + Engine Upgrade + Moldy Crow
54 David Wong 4 “Whisper” + Juke + Collision Detector
“Redline” + Trajectory Simulator + Proton Torpedoes + Seismic Charges + Proton Bombs + Ablative Plating
Major Vermeil + Darth Vader + 0-0-0
55 Ronn Orsua 3 Luke Skywalker + Supernatural Reflexes + Proton Torpedoes + R2-D2
Sabine Wren + Debris Gambit
Norra Wexley + Expert Handling + Cassian Andor
56 Bruce Enos 3 Alpha Squadron Pilot
Alpha Squadron Pilot
Soontir Fel + Predator + Hull Upgrade
Lieutenant Sai + Fire-Control System + Director Krennic + Hull Upgrade + ST-321
57 Andrei Vinescu 3 Darth Vader + Supernatural Reflexes + Fire-Control System
“Redline” + Trajectory Simulator + Proton Torpedoes + Seismic Charges
“Pure Sabacc” + Fifth Brother
58 Ryan Kelly 3 “Whisper” + Juke + Collision Detector + 0-0-0 + Stealth Device
“Echo” + Juke + Collision Detector + Darth Vader + Stealth Device
59 Sean Robinson 3 Graz + Outmaneuver
Cartel Marauder
L3-37 + Elusive + Tactical Officer
Cartel Marauder
Cartel Marauder
60 Jeremy Greenfield 3 Luke Skywalker + Supernatural Reflexes + Proton Torpedoes + R2 Astromech + Servomotor S-foils
Wedge Antilles + Proton Torpedoes + R2 Astromech + Servomotor S-foils
Sabine Wren
61 Mitchel Hurst 3 “Redline” + Trajectory Simulator + Proton Torpedoes + Proton Bombs + Seismic Charges + Ablative Plating
Maarek Stele + Marksmanship + Fire-Control System
Major Vermeil + 0-0-0 + Darth Vader + Shield Upgrade
62 Budget Nathan 3 Soontir Fel + Predator
“Redline” + Trajectory Simulator + Proton Torpedoes + Seismic Charges
“Whisper” + Juke + Darth Vader
63 Bryan Hanson 3 “Whisper” + Juke + Admiral Sloane
“Echo” + Juke + Agent Kallus
Academy Pilot
Academy Pilot
Academy Pilot
64 Matthew Lopez 3 Fenn Rau + Fearless
Old Teroch + Fearless
Palob Godalhi + Debris Gambit + Lando Calrissian + Seismic Charges + Moldy Crow
65 Adrian Quinn 3 Wedge Antilles + Marksmanship + R2 Astromech + Afterburners + Servomotor S-foils
Luke Skywalker + Supernatural Reflexes + R5 Astromech + Servomotor S-foils
Thane Kyrell + Servomotor S-foils
66 Lauren Roland 3 “Whisper” + Juke + Collision Detector + Darth Vader
“Redline” + Trajectory Simulator + Proton Torpedoes + Proton Bombs + Seismic Charges
Lieutenant Sai + Advanced Sensors + ST-321
67 Raymond Evans 3 Old Teroch + Fearless
Fenn Rau + Fearless
Kavil + Expert Handling + Dorsal Turret + Proton Torpedoes + Han Solo + R4 Astromech
68 Chuck Crawford 3 Fenn Rau + Outmaneuver
Kavil + Ion Cannon Turret + Proton Torpedoes + Han Solo + R4 Astromech + Proton Bombs
Torkil Mux + Shield Upgrade + Engine Upgrade + Moldy Crow
69 Brian Webb 3 Luke Skywalker + Heightened Perception + Proton Torpedoes + R3 Astromech + Servomotor S-foils
Wedge Antilles + Swarm Tactics + Proton Torpedoes + R3 Astromech + Servomotor S-foils
Thane Kyrell + Elusive + R4 Astromech + Servomotor S-foils
70 Drew Bishop 3 “Whisper” + Juke + Admiral Sloane
Planetary Sentinel
Planetary Sentinel
Alpha Squadron Pilot
71 Jefferson Jimenez 3 “Whisper” + Juke + Collision Detector + Darth Vader
“Redline” + Trajectory Simulator + Proton Torpedoes + Seismic Charges
“Deathrain” + Trajectory Simulator + Proton Torpedoes + Proton Bombs + Seismic Charges
72 John Best 3 Rexler Brath + Juke + Heavy Laser Cannon
Major Rhymer + Trick Shot + Adv. Proton Torpedoes + Seismic Charges
“Redline” + Trajectory Simulator + Proton Torpedoes + Proton Bombs + Seismic Charges
73 Alwyn Quebido 3 Darth Vader + Supernatural Reflexes + Fire-Control System
Soontir Fel
“Redline” + Trajectory Simulator + Proton Torpedoes + Proton Bombs
74 Isaiah Brody 3 Rexler Brath + Juke
“Whisper” + Juke + Collision Detector + Darth Vader
Seyn Marana + Marksmanship
75 Brandon Cating 3 Han Solo + Trick Shot + Maul + 4-LOM + BT-1 + Rigged Cargo Chute + Engine Upgrade + Lando's Millennium Falcon
Autopilot Drone
Emon Azzameen + Trick Shot + 0-0-0 + Proximity Mines + Rigged Cargo Chute + Marauder + Skilled Bombardier
76 Eli Stevens 3 Boba Fett + Marauder + Veteran Tail Gunner
Guri + Fire-Control System
L3-37 + Tactical Officer
Outer Rim Pioneer
77 Mike Nordell 3 Fenn Rau + Fearless
L3-37 + Tactical Officer
Dengar + Expert Handling + Proton Torpedoes + Inertial Dampeners + Punishing One + R3 Astromech
78 Ben Sausedo 3 Wedge Antilles + Swarm Tactics + Proton Torpedoes + R2 Astromech + Servomotor S-foils
“Dutch” Vander + Proton Torpedoes + R3 Astromech + Hull Upgrade
Norra Wexley + Swarm Tactics + Ion Cannon Turret + Proton Torpedoes + Hull Upgrade + Veteran Turret Gunner
79 Joshua Hsu 3 Bodhi Rook + Trick Shot + Tactical Officer + Pivot Wing
Gray Squadron Bomber + Dorsal Turret + Proton Torpedoes + R3 Astromech
Gray Squadron Bomber + Dorsal Turret + Proton Torpedoes + R3 Astromech
Warden Squadron Pilot + Proton Torpedoes + Seismic Charges
80 Markus Thielsch 3 “Whisper” + Juke + Agent Kallus
“Redline” + Trajectory Simulator + Proton Torpedoes + Proton Bombs + Seismic Charges
Lieutenant Sai + Darth Vader + ST-321
81 Nathan Boyer 3 Old Teroch + Fearless
Fenn Rau + Fearless
Kavil + Expert Handling + Ion Cannon Turret + Proton Torpedoes + Han Solo + R4 Astromech
82 Scott Crossfield 3 Outer Rim Pioneer + Tactical Officer
Boba Fett + IG-88D + Marauder + Han Solo
Guri + Outmaneuver
83 Scott Forster 3 “Whisper” + Juke + Darth Vader
“Redline” + Trajectory Simulator + Proton Torpedoes + Proton Bombs + Seismic Charges
“Deathrain” + Trajectory Simulator + Proton Torpedoes + Seismic Charges + Proton Bombs
84 Michael Grieb 3 Luke Skywalker + Supernatural Reflexes + Proton Torpedoes + R2 Astromech + Afterburners + Servomotor S-foils
Thane Kyrell + Trick Shot + Proton Torpedoes + R3 Astromech + Servomotor S-foils
Sabine Wren + Trick Shot
85 Travis Hailstone 3 Garven Dreis + Intimidation + “Zeb” Orrelios
Luke Skywalker + Heightened Perception + Proton Torpedoes + R3 Astromech
Wedge Antilles + Swarm Tactics + Proton Torpedoes + R3 Astromech
86 Adam Kattnig 3 Boba Fett + 0-0-0 + Seismic Charges + Marauder + Han Solo
Fenn Rau + Adv. Proton Torpedoes
Sunny Bounder
87 Zig Hooker 3 Jakku Gunrunner
Jakku Gunrunner
Jakku Gunrunner
Torkil Mux + Moldy Crow
Drea Renthal + Dorsal Turret
Binayre Pirate
88 William Gardner 3 4-LOM + Elusive + Advanced Sensors + 0-0-0 + Cloaking Device + Mist Hunter
Palob Godalhi + Lando Calrissian + Moldy Crow
Fenn Rau + Fearless
89 Jared Nickle 3 Roark Garnet + Squad Leader + Proton Bombs + Tactical Officer + Engine Upgrade + Moldy Crow
“Leebo” + Han Solo + C-3PO + Outrider
90 Patrick Chapman 3 Luke Skywalker + Instinctive Aim + Proton Torpedoes
Wedge Antilles + Marksmanship + Proton Torpedoes + R3 Astromech
Thane Kyrell + Marksmanship + Proton Torpedoes + R3 Astromech
91 Noel Cuevas 3 4-LOM + Advanced Sensors + 0-0-0 + Contraband Cybernetics + Mist Hunter
Boba Fett + IG-88D + Rigged Cargo Chute + Marauder + Han Solo
Sarco Plank + Cikatro Vizago + Cloaking Device
92 Russell Famas 3 Rexler Brath
Darth Vader + Fire-Control System + Afterburners
Black Squadron Ace + Intimidation
93 Richard Stabile 3 “Whisper” + Juke + Collision Detector + Director Krennic
“Redline” + Trajectory Simulator + Proton Torpedoes + Seismic Charges
Lieutenant Sai + Darth Vader + ST-321
94 Evan Pomerantz 3 Jakku Gunrunner
Palob Godalhi + Moldy Crow
Zealous Recruit
Old Teroch
95 Alex Mejia 3 Edit
96 Patrick Hanson 3 “Echo” + Ruthless + Admiral Sloane
Scarif Base Pilot + Death Troopers
Scarif Base Pilot
Major Vermeil + Ruthless
97 Maximillian Metscher 3 Academy Pilot
Academy Pilot
Academy Pilot
Soontir Fel + Elusive + Stealth Device
Major Vynder + Trick Shot + Fire-Control System + Proton Torpedoes + Adv. Proton Torpedoes + Advanced SLAM + Os-1 Arsenal Loadout
98 Michael Flick 3 “Whisper” + Ruthless + Admiral Sloane
“Redline” + Proton Torpedoes
Scimitar Squadron Pilot
Scimitar Squadron Pilot
Scimitar Squadron Pilot
99 Connor Hawley 3 AP-5
Cavern Angels Zealot + Servomotor S-foils
Phoenix Squadron Pilot
Phoenix Squadron Pilot
Bandit Squadron Pilot
Bandit Squadron Pilot
Bandit Squadron Pilot
100 Lester Santos 3 Binayre Pirate
Binayre Pirate
Drea Renthal + Dorsal Turret
Torkil Mux
Binayre Pirate
Binayre Pirate
Binayre Pirate
101 Andrew Pollard 3 Wedge Antilles + Swarm Tactics + Proton Torpedoes
“Dutch” Vander + Swarm Tactics + Proton Torpedoes + R3 Astromech
Blue Squadron Scout + Tactical Officer + Tactical Scrambler + Pivot Wing
Captain Rex
102 Rick Roberts 3 Sigma Squadron Ace + Juke
Sigma Squadron Ace + Juke
Sigma Squadron Ace + Juke
Sigma Squadron Ace + Juke
103 Perry Blazian 3 Wedge Antilles + Swarm Tactics + Proton Torpedoes + R3 Astromech
Biggs Darklighter
Kyle Katarn + Moldy Crow
Captain Rex
104 Derek Massicot 2 Luke Skywalker + Heightened Perception + Proton Torpedoes + Servomotor S-foils
Wedge Antilles + Swarm Tactics + Proton Torpedoes
Magva Yarro + Elusive + Lando Calrissian + Hera Syndulla
105 David LeBlanc 2 Biggs Darklighter + Servomotor S-foils
“Dutch” Vander + Proton Torpedoes + R4 Astromech
Wullffwarro + Saw Gerrera + Hull Upgrade
Captain Rex
106 Eric Dietsch 2 Captain Kagi + Darth Vader + Admiral Sloane + Hull Upgrade
Black Squadron Scout + Crack Shot
Black Squadron Ace
Black Squadron Ace
Scimitar Squadron Pilot + Barrage Rockets
107 Nolan Scott 2 Dengar + Proton Torpedoes + Punishing One + R3 Astromech
Boba Fett + Debris Gambit + 0-0-0 + Marauder + Han Solo
L3-37 + Tactical Officer
108 Timothy Pollard 2 Delta Squadron Pilot
“Whisper” + Juke + Darth Vader
Soontir Fel + Predator
109 JD Nielson 2 4-LOM + Elusive + Advanced Sensors + 0-0-0 + Mist Hunter
Palob Godalhi + Zuckuss + Moldy Crow
Fenn Rau + Fearless
110 Sam Osborne 2 L3-37 + Tactical Officer
Boba Fett + Debris Gambit + IG-88D + Proton Bombs + Shield Upgrade + Marauder + Han Solo
Fenn Rau
111 Christopher Sutliff 2 “Whisper” + Juke
Soontir Fel + Predator
“Duchess” + Predator
“Countdown” + Predator
112 Kyle Dominguez 2 Talonbane Cobra + Cluster Missiles
Captain Nym + Seismic Charges + Proton Bombs + Havoc + Trajectory Simulator + “Genius”
Tel Trevura + Expert Handling + Punishing One + R3 Astromech
113 Andrew Twa 2 Omicron Group Pilot + Minister Tua + 0-0-0 + ST-321
“Whisper” + Juke + Darth Vader
“Redline” + Trajectory Simulator + Proton Torpedoes + Proton Bombs
114 Doug Walters 2 Emon Azzameen + Boba Fett + Proximity Mines + Marauder + Skilled Bombardier
Constable Zuvio + Proximity Mines + Cloaking Device
Sol Sixxa + Dorsal Turret + Proton Bombs + Proximity Mines
115 Jason Miller 2 “Whisper” + Juke + Darth Vader
“Redline” + Trajectory Simulator + Proton Torpedoes + Proton Bombs + Seismic Charges
“Deathrain” + Trajectory Simulator + Proton Torpedoes + Proton Bombs + Seismic Charges + Ablative Plating
116 Richard Hsu 2 Outer Rim Pioneer + Tactical Officer
Boba Fett + Trick Shot + 0-0-0 + Proton Bombs + Marauder
Palob Godalhi + Trick Shot + Engine Upgrade + Moldy Crow
Black Sun Soldier + Trick Shot
117 Chris Hassler 2 Luke Skywalker + Supernatural Reflexes + Proton Torpedoes + Servomotor S-foils
Wedge Antilles + Elusive + Servomotor S-foils
Jan Ors + Proton Bombs + Jyn Erso + Moldy Crow
118 Alex Rico 2 Wedge Antilles + Servomotor S-foils
Arvel Crynyd
Luke Skywalker + Servomotor S-foils
Thane Kyrell + Servomotor S-foils
119 Jesus Marin 2 Norra Wexley + Juke + Lando Calrissian + Hull Upgrade
Saw Gerrera + Leia Organa + Jyn Erso + Pivot Wing
Shara Bey + Juke + Perceptive Copilot + Hull Upgrade
120 Ryan Robinson 2 Luke Skywalker + Heightened Perception + Proton Torpedoes + R4 Astromech
Wedge Antilles + Swarm Tactics + Proton Torpedoes + R4 Astromech
“Dutch” Vander + Intimidation + Dorsal Turret + Adv. Proton Torpedoes + R3 Astromech
121 Brent Scott 2 Edit
122 Alexander Brasch 2 Wullffwarro + Trick Shot + Magva Yarro + Hull Upgrade
Wedge Antilles + Proton Torpedoes + R3 Astromech + Servomotor S-foils
“Dutch” Vander + Saturation Salvo + Ion Cannon Turret + Proton Torpedoes + R3 Astromech + Seismic Charges
123 Aaron Nixon 2 Guri + Outmaneuver + Advanced Sensors
Binayre Pirate
Palob Godalhi + Moldy Crow
Torani Kulda
124 John Gardner 2 Luke Skywalker + Supernatural Reflexes + Proton Torpedoes + Servomotor S-foils
“Dutch” Vander + Proton Torpedoes + Proton Bombs
Norra Wexley + Intimidation + “Zeb” Orrelios
125 Joel Monarrez 2 Gavin Darklighter + Elusive + Advanced Sensors + R4 Astromech
Wedge Antilles + Swarm Tactics + Shield Upgrade + Servomotor S-foils
“Dutch” Vander + Expert Handling + Proton Torpedoes + R5 Astromech
126 Christopher Stewart 2 Darth Vader + Supernatural Reflexes + Fire-Control System
Colonel Jendon + Fire-Control System + 0-0-0
Scimitar Squadron Pilot + Homing Missiles
Scimitar Squadron Pilot + Homing Missiles
127 Bobby Ott 2 Edit
128 Kyle Wright 2 Blue Squadron Escort
Blue Squadron Escort
Blue Squadron Escort
Luke Skywalker + Supernatural Reflexes + R4 Astromech
129 Ryan Hammond 2 “Whisper” + Juke + Darth Vader
“Redline” + Trajectory Simulator + Proton Torpedoes + Skilled Bombardier + Proton Bombs + Seismic Charges
Lieutenant Sai + Admiral Sloane + ST-321
130 Ian Mason 2 “Whisper” + Juke + Collision Detector + Darth Vader
“Echo” + Juke + Collision Detector + 0-0-0
Captain Kagi + Admiral Sloane
131 Cormac Higgins 2 L3-37
Han Solo + Trick Shot + Lando Calrissian + IG-88D + Electronic Baffle + Lando's Millennium Falcon
Fenn Rau + Fearless
Unkar Plutt + Deadman's Switch
132 Daegan Hammond 2 IG-88A + Crack Shot + IG-2000
IG-88C + Crack Shot + IG-2000
L3-37 + Crack Shot + Tactical Officer
Lando Calrissian + Crack Shot + Tactical Officer
133 Daniel Lamphear 2 Wedge Antilles + Predator + Servomotor S-foils
“Dutch” Vander + Proton Torpedoes
Arvel Crynyd + Intimidation
Jan Ors + Moldy Crow
134 Alejandro Sparano 2 Wedge Antilles + Outmaneuver + Servomotor S-foils
Sabine Wren + Marksmanship + Dorsal Turret
Arvel Crynyd + Intimidation
Cassian Andor + Advanced Sensors + Tactical Officer + Pivot Wing
135 Michael Mauschbaugh 2 Fenn Rau + Elusive
Old Teroch + Elusive
Palob Godalhi + Trick Shot + 4-LOM + Proximity Mines + Engine Upgrade + Moldy Crow
136 Elijah Yun 2 “Whisper” + Juke + Darth Vader
Rexler Brath + Juke + Heavy Laser Cannon
137 Thomas Moore 2 “Redline” + Advanced Sensors + Proton Torpedoes + Cluster Missiles
“Whisper” + Juke + Collision Detector + Darth Vader
Maarek Stele + Trick Shot + Fire-Control System + Cluster Missiles
138 Sherry Tsai 2 Iden Versio
“Howlrunner” + Swarm Tactics
“Night Beast”
Del Meeko
Seyn Marana + Marksmanship
Gideon Hask
139 Ian Graham 2 “Whisper” + Juke + Fire-Control System + Director Krennic
Major Vermeil + Darth Vader + 0-0-0
“Redline” + Trajectory Simulator + Proton Torpedoes + Proton Bombs + Seismic Charges
140 Robby Hipsher 1 Guri + Outmaneuver + Advanced Sensors
Boba Fett + Debris Gambit + 0-0-0 + Marauder + Han Solo
Jakku Gunrunner
141 Jacob Heim 1 Boba Fett
Fenn Rau
Palob Godalhi + Moldy Crow
142 Theodore Traini “Chopper” + Dorsal Turret + Saw Gerrera + Veteran Turret Gunner + Ghost
Fenn Rau + Swarm Tactics
Magva Yarro + Selfless
143 Dustin Montez 1 Fenn Rau + Fearless
Jakku Gunrunner + Contraband Cybernetics
Jakku Gunrunner + Contraband Cybernetics
Jakku Gunrunner + Contraband Cybernetics
Jakku Gunrunner + Tobias Beckett
144 Stephen Downs Rho Squadron Pilot + Barrage Rockets + Advanced SLAM + Os-1 Arsenal Loadout
Rho Squadron Pilot + Barrage Rockets + Advanced SLAM + Os-1 Arsenal Loadout
Captain Jonus + Barrage Rockets + Seismic Charges + Shield Upgrade
Lieutenant Kestal + Ion Cannon Turret + Barrage Rockets + Hotshot Gunner
145 Naseem Zubi 1 Scimitar Squadron Pilot + Barrage Rockets
Scimitar Squadron Pilot + Barrage Rockets
Captain Jonus + Barrage Rockets
Rexler Brath + Juke
146 Benjamin Smith 1 Warden Squadron Pilot + Proton Torpedoes + Proton Bombs
Warden Squadron Pilot + Proton Torpedoes + Proton Bombs
Miranda Doni + Proton Torpedoes + Agile Gunner + Kanan Jarrus + Proton Bombs + Advanced SLAM
147 Francisco Sanchez “Whisper” + Juke + Collision Detector + Darth Vader
“Redline” + Trajectory Simulator + Proton Torpedoes + Proton Bombs
Lieutenant Sai + Admiral Sloane + ST-321
148 Anthony Mergens 1 “Whisper” + Juke + Collision Detector + Darth Vader
Soontir Fel + Predator
“Duchess” + Elusive + Fifth Brother + Proximity Mines
149 Michael Carpenter 1 Fenn Rau
Han Solo + Trick Shot + 0-0-0 + Dengar + Lando's Millennium Falcon
150 Steven Smith “Howlrunner”
Iden Versio
Black Squadron Ace + Juke
Black Squadron Ace + Juke
Black Squadron Ace + Juke
Black Squadron Ace + Juke
151 Alec Kozak 1 Green Squadron Pilot + Marksmanship + Homing Missiles
Green Squadron Pilot + Marksmanship + Homing Missiles
Green Squadron Pilot + Marksmanship + Homing Missiles
Green Squadron Pilot + Marksmanship + Homing Missiles
Jake Farrell + Predator + Homing Missiles
152 Matthew Plumb 1 Sabine Wren + Debris Gambit
Luke Skywalker + Supernatural Reflexes + Servomotor S-foils
Jan Ors + Jyn Erso + Moldy Crow
Lieutenant Blount
153 Dean Pollard 1 Luke Skywalker + Servomotor S-foils
Miranda Doni + Proton Torpedoes + Barrage Rockets + Skilled Bombardier + Sabine Wren + Proton Bombs + Seismic Charges
Wedge Antilles + Swarm Tactics + R2 Astromech
154 Paul Magaha 1 Wedge Antilles + Crack Shot + Proton Torpedoes
Corran Horn + Marksmanship + Fire-Control System + R4 Astromech
“Dutch” Vander + Trick Shot + Ion Cannon Turret + Proton Torpedoes
155 Izaac Swan 1 Boba Fett + Fearless + 0-0-0 + Proton Bombs + Shield Upgrade + Marauder + Han Solo
Guri + Outmaneuver + Advanced Sensors + Afterburners
156 John Bryant 1 Luke Skywalker + Instinctive Aim + Proton Torpedoes + Servomotor S-foils
Wedge Antilles + Outmaneuver + Proton Torpedoes + Servomotor S-foils
Thane Kyrell + Predator + Proton Torpedoes + Servomotor S-foils
157 Brett Parsons 0 Jek Porkins + R5 Astromech + Servomotor S-foils
Garven Dreis + Selfless + Servomotor S-foils
Gray Squadron Bomber + Ion Cannon Turret
Norra Wexley + Saturation Salvo + Adv. Proton Torpedoes + R5 Astromech
158 Connor Richards 0 Sabine Wren + Debris Gambit + Cassian Andor
Luke Skywalker + Supernatural Reflexes + Proton Torpedoes + Servomotor S-foils
Lieutenant Blount
Arvel Crynyd + Intimidation
159 Timothy LeBeau 0 Darth Vader + Supernatural Reflexes + Fire-Control System
“Whisper” + Juke + 0-0-0
Colonel Jendon + Admiral Sloane
160 Wayne Hays 0 Inquisitor + Instinctive Aim + Concussion Missiles
Inquisitor + Instinctive Aim + Concussion Missiles
Captain Jonus + Concussion Missiles
Soontir Fel
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