Round Number: 3 Round Type: swiss Matches: 17

Player1 Player1 Points Player2 Player2 Points Result Winner
2 gypsygambit 3 gypsygambit Edit
Chris Bobby 0 DGK1982 0 Edit
Finlay Stewart 0 Supertux 0 Edit
Bremy 16 TNX Old Jester 21 TNX Old Jester Edit
gypsygambit 19 MPIFTEKIUS 17 gypsygambit Edit
Cameron Galloway 24 Leonidas Pasios 11 Cameron Galloway Edit
Sith Taker Dave 13 Rovatsos Dimitris 20 Rovatsos Dimitris Edit
Sureign Sivagnanasundaram 14 TrigoLareen 15 TrigoLareen Edit
2 Rebecca aka the Pink Princess 3 Rebecca aka the Pink Princess Edit
Dan Barringer 0 Mateldar 0 Edit
Dylan Jones 0 Test Player A 0 Edit
StevieB 18 escorreahe 16 StevieB Edit
X-Wing Dad 10 Neckstrauss 20 Neckstrauss Edit
Rebecca aka the Pink Princess 9 Axcel 20 Axcel Edit
Michael Upton 21 Juan S Quinche 20 Michael Upton Edit
Peter Lake 10 Chacho6V 17 Chacho6V Edit
0 0 Edit
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