Round Number: 2 Round Type: swiss Matches: 9

Player1 Player1 Points Player2 Player2 Points Result Winner
Richard Otton 20 Ben Saunders 13 Richard Otton Edit
Rebecca aka the Pink Princess 25 StevieB 12 Rebecca aka the Pink Princess Edit
Mark Packer-Hughes 20 Richard Greenaway 14 Mark Packer-Hughes Edit
Dylan Jones 24 Jamie Howard 10 Dylan Jones Edit
Phill009 15 Simon C Greenaway 20 Simon C Greenaway Edit
Joshua Hall 9 Ryan Coyle 14 Ryan Coyle Edit
LewisD123 10 Kevin Shaw 18 Kevin Shaw Edit
Andrew Robinson 7 alexB 20 alexB Edit
Mark B 9 Alex Jensterle 19 Alex Jensterle Edit
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