Round Number: 1 Round Type: swiss Matches: 7

Player1 Player1 Points Player2 Player2 Points Result Winner
Immatar 14 Emanuel Creed008 Lippold 21 Emanuel Creed008 Lippold Edit
white templer 13 DannManTau 11 white templer Edit
GreenViper 13 KnoxvilleBS - Sascha 7 GreenViper Edit
Alexk1337 8 Tharlin 6 Alexk1337 Edit
von Löwenstein 4 Khain90 12 Khain90 Edit
The L4e2Le 12 Torsten 'Toto75' Behrens 7 The L4e2Le Edit
Rafaroo 8 Wespe 7 Rafaroo Edit
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